Closed Bug 31629 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Popup menus shouldn't look like text widgets


(Core :: XUL, defect, P3)






(Reporter: mpt, Assigned: bugs)




THE PROBLEM The current default appearance for XP Toolkit popup menus is an inset white rectangle, followed by an outset triangle `button'. Instead, a popup menu should appear as a single raised bar, with a menu symbol at one end (such as a triangle, a pair of triangles, or a bullet). ... You want the short reason, or the long reason? THE LONG REASON There are two main visual metaphors used in interface toolkits for adding 3-D appearance to checkboxes, radio buttons, and popup menus. (1) These widgets are form elements; so they appear as `holes' to be `filled in' with data (check marks, radio bullets, or menu selection). Used by: Win32. (2) These widgets are objects for which the only action is clicking (and in some cases dragging); so they appear as clickable objects raised from the page. Used by: MacOS, GTK, Motif, Koala, AmigaOS, MUI, Tk ... The default XPFE appearance has gone for the second metaphor -- checkboxes and radio buttons are raised from the surface of the interface. However, XP Toolkit popup menus are currently inconsistent with this choice: they are shown inset. This internal inconsistency makes the toolkit look more amateurish. THE SHORT REASON See URL. Drawing a popup menu as an inset white rectangle makes it look unnecessarily similar to a text entry widget. A user should be able to expect that if they click in an inset white rectangle they will get a cursor, not a popup.
Blocks: 29137
cc'ing ben and german for input.
I agree, but this is a design issue rather than an XPToolkit defect. reassigning to ben for triage.
Assignee: trudelle → ben
no longer using html:select, marking invalid.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Looks fixed (rather than invalid) to me ... MacOS build 2000042808.
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