Closed Bug 316996 Opened 19 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Mouseover checkbox labels changes whether they are drawn checked


(Core :: Widget: Gtk, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: ckurecka, Unassigned)


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051107 Firefox/1.5 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051107 Firefox/1.5 Running Firefox 1.5 RC3, when I open the Clear Private Data dialog, options such as Browsing History, Cache, Cookies, etc. are all properly selectable and able to be purged, but checking and unchecking these does not get redrawn properly, so I don't know always what I am actually about to purge. They flicker slightly on mouseovers and clicking, so it's not doing nothing. Often doing a mouseover clears the checkbox, even if I just checked it successfully. It fails to work normally every time, but the way it does so seems slighly inconsistent in that regard. This is under SUSE 10, running Firefox under KDE. I've tried it with several GTK themes, including Clearlooks and Industrial. This is with the official Mozilla build of Firefox, not SUSE's one (I uninstalled SUSE's Firefox 1.0.7 and deleted my .mozilla folder before switching to the 1.5 RC builds direct from Mozilla). The actual purging functionality works; just not the option selection. I haven't noticed this visual glitch anywhere else. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Open "Tools" menu 2. Select "Clear Private Data" 3. Try to check/uncheck any of the given options before clicking "Clear Private Data Now" Actual Results: The data is indeed cleared/purged, but if I change from the default selection of clearing Browsing History, Saved Form Information, Cache and Authenticated Sessions (by checking/unchecking any of them), the checkboxes aren't properly redrawn. Also, simple mouseovers sometimes clears the checkbox, although it's still selected. This seems independent of the GTK theme being used. Expected Results: The selected options should be checked, and the unselected options should be unchecked. This is with the regular Firefox 2.0 default theme that comes with the browser, using Clearlooks, Industrial or others as the base GTK theme.
Worksforme, using Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051115 Firefox/1.5 ID:2005111504
Can you reproduce this in safe mode? Also, do you have a screenshot of the dialog? AFAIK the checkboxes aren't going to be enabled unless you have that data that's clearable; e.g. no cookies, the cookies checkbox will be disabled.
Component: OS Integration → Preferences
Version: unspecified → Trunk
It definitely happens in safe mode, even after letting Firefox reset all the defaults. Since I was filing the bug under Windows, I was partly misstating the problem. After checking more thoroughly, here is what it does: I can check and uncheck any checkboxes as I wish; however, doing a mouseover on the text associated with a checkbox or the checkbox itself clears a checked checkbox consistently, every time (before or after changing the checkbox status). Similarly, doing a mouseover on an unchecked box temporarily checks it until the mouse leaves the mouseover area. It's basically doing on mouseover the effect of single-clicking. However, this is just a drawing issue; the boxes are still retaining their proper state. This is distinctly different from for disabling entries that are empty: for example Download History is disabled at the moment because I don't have any downloads since the last purge, and it is properly greyed out, with no mouseover issues. It's really mouse movement over the fields that changes things, so I don't think a screenshot would help. If you know an easy way to make a video (I've heard of SWF utilities but don't know how to use one), I can try to produce that. I have also recently noticed it on other Firefox dialog checkboxes, so it's not limited to the Clear Private Data dialog. Again, this is with the Firefox build, not SUSE's. If I have time I might install Fedora Core 5 Test 1 over Thanksgiving weekend if it's out, so I can see if it happens for me on other distros.
Component: Preferences → Widget: Gtk
Product: Firefox → Core
QA Contact: os.integration → gtk
Summary: In Linux, Clear Private Data dialog checkboxes not properly drawn → Mouseover checkbox labels changes whether they are drawn checked
(In reply to Chris Kurecka from comment #3) > It definitely happens in safe mode, even after letting Firefox reset > Again, this is with the Firefox build, not SUSE's. If I have > time I might install Fedora Core 5 Test 1 over Thanksgiving weekend if it's > out, so I can see if it happens for me on other distros. still see this?
Flags: needinfo?(ckurecka)
Whiteboard: [closeme 2014-02-01]
Honestly, I haven't used desktop Linux in 2-3 years, so I have no idea. I never saw it on Windows to begin with, and that's all I've used lately. It's been over 8 years since I filed this and I had completely forgotten about it.
Flags: needinfo?(ckurecka)
Resolved per whiteboard
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Whiteboard: [closeme 2014-02-01]
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