Closed Bug 318980 Opened 19 years ago Closed 17 years ago

SeaMonkey 12/3/2005 Linux build does not launch after installation


(SeaMonkey :: Build Config, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: epp, Unassigned)


(Keywords: crash)


(1 file)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5 Build Identifier: 12/3/2005 Build of SeaMonkey suite Linux download - seamonkey-1.5a.en-US.linux-i686.installer.tar.gz After downloading the latest nightly (12/3/2005) of the Sea Monkey suite, it does not launch after installation. Because a separate installation of Mozilla 1.7.12 apparently used the same profile, this now causes Mozilla not to launch either! Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Install Sea Monkey 2.Launch 3.Nothing happens Actual Results: Sea Monkey (and now Mozilla) will not launch. Expected Results: Software should have launched after installation.; Build identifier unavailable as software does not launch.
Keywords: crash
Version: unspecified → Trunk
Upon download and reinstallation of the December 2, 2005 build, this caused both Sea Monkey and Mozilla 1.7.12 to successfully launch again.
worksforme with linux seamonkey trunk 2005120305 (I assume the build you tried) are you starting it from a terminal window? Does it print any errors?
Using SuSE Linux 9.3 Professional. It is launched via a desktop shortcut, no errors were shown. It simply failed to launch. I also went into its directory and manually launched the "seamonkey" file from there, same result, did not launch. There was one issue after I removed the 12/3/2005 build and reinstalled the 12/2/2005 build. When the 12/2/2005 build launched the first time after reinstallation, it displayed a box that the default profile was already in use.
I will reinstall the 12/3/2005 build and launch it from the console window. Will report any (or no) errors from that.
Launching Sea Monkey from the console window displayed the following errors: sh: kde-config: command not found sh: kde-config: command not found I also removed the Dec. 3 build and reinstalled the Dec. 2 build again. Launching the Dec. 2 build from the console window also displayed the above two errors, however the Dec. 2 build launched successfully after that. The Dec. 3 build failed to launch at all.
WRT: kde-config. In SuSE releases, KDE is installed in /opt (/opt/kde3). Make sure that /opt/kde3/bin is in your path. If it is not in your path, then add it. Depending on how you did the install. If you are installing from the command line, then export PATH=$PATH:/opt/kde3/bin
These are installed via the file manager (Konqueror), not through a console window. The Dec. 3 build was installed on a second system, also running SuSE 9.3, same results as the other system, it does not launch and running from a console window displayed the same errors. Reinstalled the Dec. 2 build on this second system and launched. As noted in Comment 3 above, it displayed a box that the profile was in use. Logged out/in, relaunched, 12/2 build launches perfectly.
please go to the directory where you installed the 12/3 build and do % ./seamonkey -g -d gdb ... (gdb) b exit (gdb) run [wait] (gdb) bt attach the output of "bt" as an attachment unless it's short (then just paste it as a comment).
Attached file gdb-bt output
gdb "bt" output on "seamonkey" file for Dec. 3, 2005 Linux build.
The Dec. 4 build (Build ID: 2005120401) was installed on both systems and launched perfectly. Whatever the issue may be, it only appears to affect the Dec. 3 build
Resolving WORKSFORME as per comment #10 This bug report is over 2 years old. If you see the same symptom again in a recent build, please file a new bug.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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