Bug 324026
Opened 19 years ago
Closed 14 years ago
Several frozen interfaces depend on non-frozen interfaces
(Firefox Build System :: General, defect)
Firefox Build System
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: jhpedemonte, Unassigned)
While working on JavaXPCOM, I generated Java interfaces for frozen interfaces (SDK_XPIDLSRCS). When trying to compile, got several errors, related to these frozen interfaces depending on non-frozen interfaces (for which Java files were not generated). Here are the errors:
org/mozilla/xpcom/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class nsIMutableArray
location: interface org.mozilla.xpcom.nsIASN1Sequence
public nsIMutableArray getASN1Objects();
org/mozilla/xpcom/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class nsIMutableArray
location: interface org.mozilla.xpcom.nsIASN1Sequence
public void setASN1Objects(nsIMutableArray aASN1Objects);
org/mozilla/xpcom/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class nsIArray
location: interface org.mozilla.xpcom.nsIX509Cert
public nsIArray getChain();
org/mozilla/xpcom/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class nsIDOMCounter
location: interface org.mozilla.xpcom.nsIDOMCSSPrimitiveValue
public nsIDOMCounter getCounterValue();
org/mozilla/xpcom/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class nsIDOMRect
location: interface org.mozilla.xpcom.nsIDOMCSSPrimitiveValue
public nsIDOMRect getRectValue();
org/mozilla/xpcom/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class nsIDOMRGBColor
location: interface org.mozilla.xpcom.nsIDOMCSSPrimitiveValue
public nsIDOMRGBColor getRGBColorValue();
org/mozilla/xpcom/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class nsIPrintSettings
location: interface org.mozilla.xpcom.nsIWebBrowserPrint
public nsIPrintSettings getGlobalPrintSettings();
org/mozilla/xpcom/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class nsIPrintSettings
location: interface org.mozilla.xpcom.nsIWebBrowserPrint
public nsIPrintSettings getCurrentPrintSettings();
org/mozilla/xpcom/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class nsIPrintSettings
location: interface org.mozilla.xpcom.nsIWebBrowserPrint
public void print(nsIPrintSettings aThePrintSettings, nsIWebProgressListener aWPListener);
org/mozilla/xpcom/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class nsIPrintSettings
location: interface org.mozilla.xpcom.nsIWebBrowserPrint
public void printPreview(nsIPrintSettings aThePrintSettings, nsIDOMWindow aChildDOMWin, nsIWebProgressListener aWPListener);
org/mozilla/xpcom/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class nsIPrompt
location: interface org.mozilla.xpcom.nsIWindowWatcher
public nsIPrompt getNewPrompter(nsIDOMWindow aParent);
org/mozilla/xpcom/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class nsIAuthPrompt
location: interface org.mozilla.xpcom.nsIWindowWatcher
public nsIAuthPrompt getNewAuthPrompter(nsIDOMWindow aParent);
org/mozilla/xpcom/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class nsIArray
location: interface org.mozilla.xpcom.nsIX509CertDB
public nsIArray getOCSPResponders();
13 errors
Comment 1•19 years ago
We have three categories here:
1) frozen PSM interfaces depend on nonfrozen nsI[Mutable]Array
2) nsIDOMCSSPrimitiveValue depends on various DOM methods... can we freeze these as-is?
3) nsIWebBrowserPrint was prematurely frozen and I really would hate to freeze nsIPrintSeetings as=is with nsNativeMarginRef.
4) nsIWindowWatcher dependencies on authprompts... are there issues open that prevent freezing nsIPrompt and nsIAuthPrompt as-is?
Comment 2•19 years ago
nsIAuthPrompt/nsIPrompt are de-facto frozen. They would have been marked as such for Gecko 1.8 had I had the time to revise the documentation in a manner similar to what I did for nsIPromptService. See bug 265513.
I think that we should freeze nsIArray/nsIMutableArray as-is. They are useful, and we haven't had any need to change them for a long time.
I don't know about the DOM interfaces or nsIPrintSettings, but I suspect that we really have no choice but to treat them as frozen.
Depends on: 265513
Comment 3•19 years ago
Darin's right about nsI(Auth)?Prompt and nsI(Mutable)?Array, I think.
> 2) nsIDOMCSSPrimitiveValue depends on various DOM methods... can we freeze
> these as-is?
I assume you mean nsIDOMRect, nsIDOMRGBColor, and nsIDOMCounter? I suppose we can freeze those. All those apis need to be wholesale deprecated anyway at some point, once work on DOM Style restarts.
> 3) nsIWebBrowserPrint was prematurely frozen and I really would hate to freeze
> nsIPrintSeetings as=is with nsNativeMarginRef.
<sigh>. I have no idea what we can do here. :(
Comment 4•14 years ago
Since we don't do interface freezing anymore, I'm'a go ahead and close this bug. Please feel free to reopen if you feel there is still something that should change.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Updated•7 years ago
Product: Core → Firefox Build System
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