Closed Bug 335409 Opened 19 years ago Closed 19 years ago stopped accepting GPG-MIME messages


( Graveyard :: Server Operations, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dbaron, Assigned: justdave)


Sometime between 2006-04-21 23:24 PDT and 2006-04-24 13:44 PDT, lists hosted on stopped accepting GPG-MIME signed messages. Such messages have a Content-Type header like the following (with varying boundary): Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="Qxx1br4bt0+wmkIi" (which is then transformed by the server into the first part of a multipart/mixed so it can append the footer) I get a response from dev-* saying: The message's content type was not explicitly allowed with the message attached.
Assignee: server-ops → justdave
Probably a result of bug 327300 . AFAIK, Giganews and Google do accept GPG-MIME messages. See <>
OK, I've added multipart/signed to the list of accepted types. Let me know if it works. I suspect at this point that we might need one more type to add (does the signature itself has a special mime type?) Chris: the message you linked to shows that GN and Google *do* allow GPG/MIME. (You said you saw the message that the other person said was signed).
My messages definitely were getting through to Google Groups, and that probably involves going through giganews, so I think everything accepts them.
Is it working now?
I'll let you know the next time I have a legitimate reason to post...
I believe this is server-wide, so you can use .
(In reply to comment #6) > I believe this is server-wide yes, it is.
It now allows the message through but mangles the signature by removing the application/pgp-signature half of the multipart/signed part.
OK, that's what I was suspecting would happen. I've added application/pgp-signature as an allowed type. I'm going to assume that fixes it at this point, let me know if not.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Graveyard
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