Closed Bug 341168 Opened 19 years ago Closed 19 years ago

New mail sound played when new mail is spam


(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dave, Assigned: mscott)


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; U; en) Opera 9.00 Build Identifier: Mozilla (not fixed in last night's nightly build) When new mail arrives, Thunderbird plays the new mail sound even when the junk mail filter identifies the incomming mail as spam. This results in many work stoppages to check my inbox for what turns out to be spam. This is a problem especially when the ratio of spam to regular mail is very high. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Turn on Edit->Preferences->General->"Play a Sound" [ when new mail arrives ] 2. Receive mail which is marked as junk Actual Results: When mail arrives, the sound is played, regardless of the junk-status of the new mail. Expected Results: When mail arrives, the sound is played if and only if the new mail is not detected as junk (or a configuration option allows users to choose this behavior.)
This was supposed to have been fixed with bug 282477, last year, well before 1.5 was released. Do you have your junk controls set up to leave the junk messages in the Inbox? Do you leave spam marked unread? (mail.server.default.markAsReadOnSpam) When a message arrives and is detected as spam, does it have the New flag set?
Yes, I did have it set to leave messages in the inbox and mark them new. As long as those settings aren't the default, then I'm happy with this bus being closed. Appologies for the erronious filing. -DS
(In reply to comment #2) > Yes, I did have it set to leave messages in the inbox and mark them new. > > As long as those settings aren't the default, then I'm happy with this bus > being closed. > > Appologies for the erronious filing. I didn't mean to imply that you were in error. That other bug was supposed to fix things such that a message marked as Junk would not have a New flag; the New flag is what triggers the notification. If you are seeing messages arrive and get detected as Junk, and those messages have the New flag, there is a problem. Note that the New flag appears (normally) as a highlight on the message icon in the thread pane. (The bolding of the text in the thread pane isn't "new" but "unread" altho most New messages *are* Unread.)
Well, I've done some testing with self-produced spam and real messages, and these are my findings: [ All testing done with version (20060516) ] - New spam messages are marked as not new (no red sparkle on the envelope icon) but unread - The new mail sound is NOT played - Non-spam mail is both new and unread, and the sound is played. At least in terms of the sound, this is *not* the behavior I had observed earlier, but that may have been with a different version ( So, I'm going to suggest that at least in, this bug is corrected, and therefore this slip is being marked RESOLVED (WORKSFORME). Thanks for your help! -DS
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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