Closed Bug 351902 Opened 18 years ago Closed 18 years ago

15 and 30 minute events barely usable on many displays


(Calendar :: Calendar Frontend, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)

Sunbird 0.3


(Reporter: dmosedale, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Since the 24 hour views have landed, it's really difficult to see and use 15/30 minute events.  In the slightly longer term, there are some design issues to be dealt with.  For 0.3, however, we propose to try a workaround such that the number of pixels per minute is set differently in the day and week views, in the theory that people sometimes want the overview (weekview), and sometimes the zoomed view where everything is visible.
Flags: blocking0.3+
Whiteboard: [needs patch]
So what do you want to change for each view?
Do you want to increase the pixPerMin on day view?

I'm not clear on which view needs to grow/shrink...
The relevant fields are

      <field name="mMinHorizontalPixelsPerMinute">1.2</field>
      <field name="mMinVerticalPixelsPerMinute">0.5</field>

, see also

At the moment those values are the same for the day and week
view. If I understand dmose correct, the idea is to increase
the values for the day view.
In order to make a 15 minute item readable, mMinVerticalPixelsPerMinute needs to be around 1.5. But at this size, you can only see about 4 hours (depending on screensize etc, ofcourse) I think a change that big is not what we want.
A value of 0.7 at least makes 30 minute events have a readable title. That might be a better way to go.
Attached patch change value β€” β€” Splinter Review
Patch makes the value for dayview slightly higher.
Attachment #238914 - Flags: first-review?(dmose)
Whiteboard: [needs patch] → [patch in hand][needs review dmose]
Comment on attachment 238914 [details] [diff] [review]
change value

Looks good; two-levels of review on a bug this trivial isn't likely to benefit the patch or the reviewers. r1/r2=dmose.
Attachment #238914 - Flags: first-review?(dmose) → first-review+
Whiteboard: [patch in hand][needs review dmose] → [patch in hand][needs checkin]
Comment on attachment 238914 [details] [diff] [review]
change value

                 var viewElement = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
                                   this, "anonid", "view-element");
                 viewElement.daysOffArray = [];
                 // add a preference observer to monitor changes
                 var pb2 = Components.classes
                 pb2.addObserver("calendar.", this.mPrefObserver, false);
+                var viewElement = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "view-element");
This results in a double-declaration of viewElement.
Patch (with jminta's comment fixed) checked in
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [patch in hand][needs checkin]
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