Closed Bug 356501 Opened 18 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Show all parties on one page


(Webtools Graveyard :: Party Tool, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: myk, Assigned: rflint)



(1 file)

The party tool currently displays only a few parties at a time and makes you click "Next" to see the next one. This makes it harder to browse through available parties, because you can't just scroll down the page, you have to both scroll and click a link and wait for the next page to load. On both fast and slow connections, a single page is better. It negates the need to click and wait on fast connections. And it still loads faster than multiple pages on slow connections, since modern browsers know how to render the page incrementally and display each new chunk of content as it comes in. The tool should show all parties on one page.
I had this thought originally, and I realized that was what the map was for. I agree with Myk, though that there should be an easier way than clicking through the pages. Maybe adding a legend at the top doing an alpha sort by city might help or something like that?
I was thinking we could just remove the pagination completely and add alternate sort methods at the top and bottom. Would that work?
Summary: show all parties in one page → Show all parties on one page
Version: Trunk → Party Tool 1.0
Marcia pointed out that it's hard to distinguish between parties on the map for Europe. So I tried it out, and I agree with her. There are so many parties in such a small space that it's very difficult to suss out the one you are interested in. The ability to zoom in on the map might help things, but it still the case that someone might want to browse the list of parties to see what kind of events are taking place. Or find-as-you-type on some text that the map doesn't show you. For these use cases, having a single page listing all the parties is more useful than the map or multiple pages.
Attached patch PatchSplinter Review
Bumps the number of parties per page up to 100 and scrambles things up a bit to take care of those trying to game their way to the top of the list. This isn't the ideal or final solution, but it's certainly better than what's there currently and prevents us from ending up having every party start with an underscore ;)
Checking in controllers/parties_controller.php; /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/partytool/controllers/parties_controller.php,v <-- parties_controller.php new revision: 1.8; previous revision: 1.7 done Please close this bug once the fix has been confirmed.
Target Milestone: --- → Party Tool 1.0
The patch is currently flawed. Instead of keeping the random shuffle and allowing you to go through it by pages, it randomizes the parties on each page.
Fixed on trunk ( with more advanced search options and a configurable number of results per page.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: 1.0 → 2.0
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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