Closed Bug 36813 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

open in new window performance extremely slow


(Core :: DOM: Navigation, defect, P3)






(Reporter: Marko.Macek, Assigned: waterson)


(Keywords: perf)

Opening a link in a new window takes anything from 10 seconds to 1 minute or more. This happens both on local filesystem and when online (and also when I use WWWOFFLE cache in offline mode). This is unacceptably slow. Mozilla is using 98% CPU with 1-2% in X server during this time. I have the sidebar/taskbar/personal toolbar hidden. As a comparison: Opening a new empty window takes about 1 to 2 seconds (4.7 takes < 0.5 seconds, so mozilla is still 2-5 times too slow). Celeron 433, 128 MB RAM. I tend to use 10-50 window, so this is critical.
After some profiling with jprof (my first): It seems the problem is caused by mork used in global history. xpfe/components/history/src/nsGlobalHistory.cpp simply returing 0/OUT_OF_MEMORY from NS_NewGlobalHistory restored speed to normal (but still much slower than 4.x) ...
updating component.
Assignee: asadotzler → radha
Component: Browser-General → History
QA Contact: jelwell → claudius
cc'ing waterson. Chris, are you aware of this?
my guess is that this is a dup of 25963. does the target page have a lot of anchor tags?
I'm not sure. I think it's because NS_NewGlobalHistory is called too much. I will post the jprof output after I remove the "optimization" from my build.
Giving to waterson to take care.
Assignee: radha → waterson
I believe this was originaly caused by bad history file. INVALID?
A related issue was filed on May 12th.. bug 39039
Keywords: perf
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Marking INVALID at reporter's request. - I've updated your Bugzilla permissions so you can alter stuff. Use this power wisely... Gerv
mass-verifying Invalid bugs which haven't changed since 2001-12-31. use the search string "PinballWizard" if you want to filter out this msg.
Component: History: Session → Document Navigation
QA Contact: claudius → docshell
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