Closed Bug 369345 Opened 18 years ago Closed 17 years ago

TB 2 beta 2 is twice as slow as tb 1.5 in displaying mails in the preview pane


(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: davito9w, Assigned: mscott)


(Keywords: perf)


(1 file)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/ Build Identifier: version 2 beta 2 (20070116) The beta 2 seemed noticeably slower than the previous version when browsing mails. So I did a little test: select a mail then click quickly on the next 10 mails. tb 1.5 managed to display the 11th mail 5 seconds after clicking on the second mail. tb 2b2 needed 10 seconds. Of course, same computer, same os, same mails in the same mailbox. To have a measurable lag, I needed 10 consecutive mails in html format on my p4 1.8GHz. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: the first mail in a series of html mails on the next on the next as fast as you can on the next as fast as you can ... Measure the time tb needs to display the last mail in the preview pane. Actual Results: too slow Expected Results: faster! This is still bearable on my laptop, but I imagine some customers on slower machines will be very disappointed by the performance degradation.
I assume IMAP?
Version: unspecified → 2.0
I've been noticing similar behavior for POP mail, even with messages with blocked remote content. In particular, I get notices from "Live Nation" about on-sale concerts which take an unreasaonbly long time to display in 2b2, and which are shown much more quickly with 1.5. I mentioned this in email to David Bienvenu, who suggested: > What I notice is extremely slow handling of messages with lots of long urls, > but that's a long time known problem - MozTxtToHTML is very inneficient.
Attached file Sample HTML message
This is just a simple multipart/alternative with no embedded media content. If anything, this seems faster when loading it as a .EML file -- but I don't get the "block remote content" banner in this case.
Attachment #254052 - Attachment mime type: message/rfc822 → text/plain
I think this is because the message has a lot of links in it, and we're spending a lot more time looking at links (I switched the attachment type to text/plain to make it easier to see what's in the message)
Ever confirmed: true
I should have specified. I use only pop, never imap.
Emails with linked images don't seem to be displayed until all images are loaded. Earlier versions seem to quickly put up a plain/text version and then filled in the linked images. P.S. I only use POP and this occurred also with saved emails containing linked images.
perhaps same as bug 379828, which says "view as simple html" helps. All the bugs mentioned in bug 370541 say performance got worse between TB 1.5 and 2 - by a factor of 2? If so this would seem to be a regression. bug 352236 perhaps? bug 115160 addresses comment 2 above and what I describe in bug 379828 comment 3. but phishing/scam detection has a *far* greater impact. so I think we need to look somewhere other than just bug 115160. (note - bug 370541 comment 5 says this bug as reported happens also for plain text, I might have seen that in a different bug)
Keywords: perf
same to me, about 10 second to display HTML files on OSX. Here you can find an EML zipped email...very slowing reading on macosx
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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