Bug 370647
Opened 18 years ago
Closed 18 years ago
Bugzilla needs FAQ engine
(Bugzilla :: User Interface, enhancement)
of bug 316127
(Reporter: kbenton, Unassigned)
In order to make documentation, administration and training easier, I believe that Bugzilla needs a FAQ engine. This will make it less painful for new Bugzilla users to begin using Bugzilla, and it'll also help administrators by giving them a way to point users to answers to those FAQ's.
Classic example: How do I find what I'm looking for in Bugzilla? We know that the Bugzilla search engine is where to go, but not everyone knows what phrases to use or how to ask Bugzilla about bugs the user wants to know about that haven't changed in the past seven days...
As I see it, the following tables could help address these issues:
id mediumint not null default 0 auto_increment primary key,
faq_block_id mediumint not null,
question varchar(255) not null,
answer mediumtext not null,
is_active boolean not null default 0,
is_approved boolean not null default 0,
id mediumint not null default 0 auto_increment primary key,
group_name varchar(255) not null,
is_active boolean not null default 0,
A new group could be added in conjunction with these called 'editfaqs' that would authorize changing the FAQ list.
I could go on, but I think you can get the idea fairly easily.
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Updated•18 years ago
Severity: normal → enhancement
Updated•18 years ago
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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