Closed Bug 377292 Opened 18 years ago Closed 9 years ago

xulrunner 1.9a3 breaks customizing scrollbars with XBL


(Toolkit Graveyard :: XULRunner, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bero, Unassigned)



User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; en_US) KHTML/3.5.6 (like Gecko) Build Identifier: MOZILLA_1_9a3_RELEASE When customizing scrollbars with XBL (e.g. using the example at ), xulrunner 1.8 works as expected. In 1.9a3, the constructor for the XBL scrollbar never gets called and a standard scrollbar is displayed. Reproducible: Always
How is the stylesheet attached in this example?
<?xml-stylesheet href="css/sbar.css" type="text/css"?>
Looks like the cause of the problem is rather complicated. We have a top-level xul file that does <script src="js/functions.js"> then an XBL file based on the posted example that makes use of one of the functions defined in js/functions.js. Apparently in 1.9, calling js functions across different modules works differently.
This was (deliberately) caused by Bug 369676. I have the same problem, I used the scrollbar { -moz-binding: url(chrome://blah/code-to-expose-scrollbar-dom.xml) } trick so I could script overflow:auto scrollbars. Adjusting curpos was the most important part, but I also used this to set increment and pageincrement to appropriate values.
Depends on: 369676
Ever confirmed: true
To clarify, (as I understand it) since scrollbars are native-anonymous there is no way to access them via normal getAnonymousNodes-style methods, so applying a binding like this was the _only_ way to script an overflow-auto scrollbar. Wrapping elements in a <scrollbox> isn't always possible, especially when trying to add overflow:auto to elements defined elsewhere (e.g. parts of the browser), as this would often break other scripts etc. See also Bug 30522 and Bug 243128 which were trying to make access to scrollbars easier - though both seem to have been abandoned.
As bug 369676 says, you can still style scrollbars. You just have to do it from a UA stylesheet....
XULRunner has been removed from the Mozilla tree: see!topic/ for context. I am closing all the bugs currently in the XULRunner bugzilla component, in preparation for moving this component to the graveyard. If this bug is still valid in a XULRunner-less world, it will need to be moved to a different bugzilla component to be reopened.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Product: Toolkit → Toolkit Graveyard
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