Closed Bug 37748 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Messenger folder pane blank


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect, P3)

Mac System 8.6


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: fenella, Assigned: mscott)


Mac (2000-05-01-11 M16) mozilla Steps: 1. Launch Mozilla Messenger 2. Mail folder shows blank and Account Wizard dialog shows up 3. Click on Cancel to close (if I click on New, it crashes. I think this is related to bug 37729) Actual result: Fold pane is blank, click on Get Msg, see bug 37735) Expected result: The Select User Profile should show up, which allows me to choose a profile. After choose a profile, folder pane should be populated. This occurs on Mac only.
Fenella - what do you mean by "Select User Profile"? That doesn't come up after you've started the application. Your expected result doesn't make sense to me after following your steps.
Lisa, sorry, this is what I meant. I was in a hurry to write this bug, I should have been more organized... 1. Launch Mozilla Messenger Expected result: The Select User Profile dialog should show up, so that I can choose a profile. Actual result: Messenger comes up and immediately the Account Wizard dialog shows up. 2. Click on New in the Account Wizard dialog, it crashes. I think this is related to bug 37729) 3. If I click on Cancel to close the Account Wizard. The folder pane is still blank, Click on Get Msg, it crashes, bug 37735. Expected result: I should not have to go through step 2 and 3. After step 1, the Select User Profile dialog should show up, so that I can choose a profile. And then the folder pane should be populated when the profile is selected. Anyway, this bug should be closed now because bug 37735 and bug 37733 are fixed in the respin on Mac and Win32 (05-01-11 M16)
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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