Closed Bug 379884 Opened 18 years ago Closed 16 years ago

OK and Cancel buttons not accessible, Account Settings dialog too tall due to large windows font size


(Thunderbird :: Account Manager, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mseitz, Unassigned)



(1 file)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/ Build Identifier: version (20070326) When I view the Account Settings dialog, the OK and Cancel buttons are located beyond the bottom of the screen. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Go to Tools, Account Settings Actual Results: OK and Cancel buttons are hidden beyond bottom of screen Expected Results: OK and Cancel buttons should be visible Resolution: 1024x768 DPI: 96 (Normal) System fonts: Message box: Tahoma, 11 pt. Menu: Tahoma, 11 pt. Active Title Bar: Tahoma, 11 pt. Inactive Title Bar: Tahoma, 11 pt.
Attached image Screen capture
Looks to be phenomenon when large UI font is chosen by user. See Desktop property of MS Win XP, and check Design/Font Size choice. Can changing to "Standard" be a workaround? (after change, cancel dialog, then re-open dialog)
I could observe similar phenomenon like this bug and Bug 344247("Local Folders" case) on Win-XP by choosing larger UI font size than "Standard", although slightly different phenomenon - "window title bar" went above top of physical screen then unable to access top part and unable to move window. Sorry but I don't know exact point size for "Standard"/"Large"/"Largest(?)". By the way, "See ..." is not for you, for similar bugs. Please don't feel bad.
JFY. Bug 273216 is probably oldest bug report on Mac OS X.
I checked, and I already have "Font Size" set to "Normal" on the "Display Properties" Control Panel, "Appearance" tab.. But I also changed the some individual font sizes by clicking on the Advanced button. Those font sizes are what I mentioned in Comment 0.
"Message box: Tahoma, 11 pt" looks to be key setting, and 9pt seems to be default when Normal. Can setting to 9pt be a workaround? (I changed to 15pt to test, then I can not change back to initial status...)
I tried Message Box: Tahoma, 10 pt, and was able to view the whole dialog. So, yes, that is a workaround. But it affects all my software, and I would prefer to use 11 pt.
(In reply to comment #7) > I would prefer to use 11 pt. Because very tall panels are limited to several ones only("Server Settings" and a few), you can continue to use 11pt you prefer. Watch Bug 273216, and please recall the workaround when you will met the problem again in future.
Extra large settings works fine on 1024x768
Assignee: mscott → nobody
nikolay - do you consider this to be WFM?
Summary: OK and Cancel buttons not accessible, Account Settings dialog too tall → OK and Cancel buttons not accessible, Account Settings dialog too tall due to large windows font size Extra large font settings, can't reach OK button. But I doubt if this is problem of TB itself.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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