Closed Bug 38094 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

nsPluginHostImpl::GetURL does not work for relative URLs if target is null


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sean, Assigned: serhunt)


(Keywords: testcase, Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-])


(2 files)

A plugin calls nsIPluginManager::GetURL to programmatically load a URL. This is implemented by nsPluginHostImpl::GetURL. If the aTarget parameter of nsPluginHostImpl::GetURL is non-null, then the request is passed off to nsPluginInstanceOwner::GetURL. nsPluginInstanceOwner::GetURL creates an absolute URL from the owner's FullURL and the requested (potentially relative) URL by way of NS_MakeAbsoluteURI(). If the aTarget parameter is null and streamListener is non-null, the call is passed off to NewPluginURLStream(). NewPluginURLStream() does not turn a relative URL into an absolute URL. NewPluginURLStream() should do similar massaging of the requested URL as is done at 631.
Something along these lines - just don't know how to get the owner's full URL - see the TODO (sorry about line wraps): NS_IMETHODIMP nsPluginHostImpl::NewPluginURLStream(const nsString& aURL, nsIPluginInstance *aInstance, nsIPluginStreamListener* aListener) { nsIURI *url; nsAutoString fullurl; fullurl.Assign(aURL); nsPluginStreamListenerPeer *listenerPeer = (nsPluginStreamListenerPeer *)new nsPluginStreamListenerPeer(); if (listenerPeer == NULL) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; nsresult rv; if (aURL.Length() <= 0) return NS_OK; nsPluginInstancePeerImpl *peer; rv = aInstance->GetPeer((nsIPluginInstancePeer **)&peer); if (NS_OK == rv) { nsIPluginInstanceOwner *owner; rv = peer->GetOwner(owner); if (NS_OK == rv) { nsAutoString uniurl; uniurl.Assign(aURL); nsIURI* baseURL; // TODO: get Full URL from owner or from owner's owner // owner->mOwner->GetFullURL(baseURL); // Create an absolute URL rv = NS_MakeAbsoluteURI(fullurl, uniurl, baseURL); NS_IF_RELEASE(baseURL); NS_RELEASE(owner); } NS_RELEASE(peer); } rv = NS_NewURI(&url, fullurl);
This takes care of it: NS_IMETHODIMP nsPluginHostImpl::NewPluginURLStream(const nsString& aURL, nsIPluginInstance *aInstance, nsIPluginStreamListener* aListener) { nsIURI *url; nsAutoString absUrl; absUrl.Assign(aURL); nsPluginStreamListenerPeer *listenerPeer = (nsPluginStreamListenerPeer *)new nsPluginStreamListenerPeer(); if (listenerPeer == NULL) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; nsresult rv; if (aURL.Length() <= 0) return NS_OK; // get the full URL of the document that the plugin is embedded // in to create an absolute url in case aURL is relative nsPluginInstancePeerImpl *peer; rv = aInstance->GetPeer((nsIPluginInstancePeer **)&peer); if (NS_OK == rv) { nsIPluginInstanceOwner *owner; rv = peer->GetOwner(owner); if (NS_OK == rv) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc; rv = owner->GetDocument(getter_AddRefs(doc)); if (NS_OK == rv) { nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> docURL( dont_AddRef(doc- >GetDocumentURL()) ); // Create an absolute URL rv = NS_MakeAbsoluteURI(absUrl, aURL, docURL); } NS_RELEASE(owner); } NS_RELEASE(peer); } rv = NS_NewURI(&url, absUrl);
sean, do you have a test case?
In the previously attached npsimple.cpp, go to line 935 for comments that explain the problem. Load the html file included in the zip using file: if you don't have the xpconnect plugin security work-around. Enter the relative path of a file you'd like the plugin to attempt to download. Trace the calls into GetURL per the comments. NewPluginURLStream fails if the path is relative. It works if it's absolute.
Target Milestone: --- → M16
Keywords: patch, testcase
add 4xp keyword
Keywords: 4xp
*** Bug 42039 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
nominating nsbeta2 so that the patch can be checked in and so that xpcom plugins can be tested using an unmodified PR2 release.
Keywords: nsbeta2
nsbeta2-, but you can still checkin patches from external contributors with proper review and approval from module owner and brendan/waterson.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-]
Added up to date patch. It has a few more changes than the original patch: - moved a printf inside a #ifdef NS_DEBUG - made changes to my patch per comments received - applied changes to the places I copied code from - address potential leak of nsPluginStreamListenerPeer *listenerPeer in nsPluginHostImpl::NewPluginURLStream()
What should we do to get it in?
Looks good to me -- av, can you get this checked in? /be
Checked in. Marking fixed. Thanks, Sean.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
marking verified.
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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