Closed Bug 381089 Opened 18 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Linkify instructions for opening Options (Preferences)


(Webtools Graveyard :: Litmus, enhancement, P4)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tracy, Unassigned)


Basically to reduce space in test case instructions. But perhaps more importantly to reduce editing effort if those instructions ever change. Windows: Go to Tools | Options. (to exit Options, click the OK button) Mac: Go to FireFox | Preferences. (to exit Preferences, click the red (x) in the upper left.) Linux: Go to Edit | Preferences. (to exit Preferences, click the Close button) is used all over the place. It's not the only version of instructions. Some test cases still use platform specific instructions. But that should be the one most heavily used. coop mentioned in irc a couple rounds of serach-n-replace would be ok. I'll put up the instructions someplace on then comment here again with Substitute text and link for the existing litmus test case instructions. ETA for that: Monday 05/21.
Summary: Linkify instructions for openin Options (Preferences) → Linkify instructions for opening Options (Preferences)
Priority: -- → P3
Assignee: ccooper → nobody
Do these instructions exist now somewhere where they can be linked to?
Severity: minor → enhancement
Priority: P3 → P4
Created I'll be going through the 3.7 BFT and cleaning up test step up as needed, using that wiki page.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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