Closed Bug 392556 Opened 18 years ago Closed 18 years ago

smtp authentification failed since the update from 1.1.2 to 1.1.4


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

SeaMonkey 1.1 Branch
Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kaspersky, Unassigned)



(3 files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de-AT; rv: Gecko/20070802 SeaMonkey/1.1.4 Build Identifier: seamonkey 1.1.4 i have a freemailaccount on it is possible to recieve mails, but the authentification at smtp failed so it is impossible to send letters. i have tried to configurate the account new, but it was the same problem again. during the update fromm 1.1.2 a window said that a few foreign components will be deleted. so, is it possible to get a plugin which supports the authentification? please help me. my mailadress: thank you, bernhard Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3.
Summary: smtp authentification failed since the update from 1.1.2 → smtp authentification failed since the update from 1.1.2 to 1.1.4
Assignee: nobody → general
Component: de / German localizations → General
Product: Mozilla Localizations → Mozilla Application Suite
QA Contact: → general
Version: unspecified → SeaMonkey 1.1 Branch
So you create a new account, enter all settings, etc. and then try to send a mail. Does it then immediately pop up an error message that the smtp authentication failed? What do the server settings for the SMTP server look like (what port, etc.)? Do you have any personal firewall installed/enabled which might block access for MailNews?
I have deleted the account in seamonkey and have created it new, but it was the same problem again. I tried to downgrade seamonkey, but the same result. The port settings are default ports and I had no problems before. Now I moved the mailaccount to outlook express and it works fine, but I dont like to use oe for a longer time. I used the Mozilla suite in german and upgradet it to Seamonkey when the Mozilla german project stopped and I like it very much, becouse of easy use. So I hope the problem could be solved as soon as possible. Now I use the suite in version 1.1.2 (downgrade).
For testing reasons it would be good to start with an entirely new profile and test it there. I know from experience that many of these problems are network problems. So please also check your network setting. Personal firewalls like zonealarm are very known for these problems. Maybe your PFW does not know your new seamonkey.exe or something like that. Please check!
Can you create a SMTP log file and attach it to the bug here? Here is how you do it: Open a new command line (should be under Start->Programme->Zubehör->Eingabeaufforderung). Enter "set NSPR_LOG_MODULES=SMTP:5" there (of course without the quotes :). Also enter "set NSPR_LOG_FILE=C:\smtp.log". If you still have SeaMonkey running, quit it. Now start SeaMonkey from that command line by entering the path to your seamonkey.exe, so probably "C:\Programme\\SeaMonkey\seamonkey.exe". Then start MailNews and try to send an e-mail (and observe the error). Quit SeaMonkey again and attach the file C:\smtp.log to this bug here.
Attached file smtp log file
i dont use a personal firewall, just the built in in winxp. i have deactivated to try, but the same just happened, while i upgraded to version 1.1.4. after the downgrade to the old version, the problem was not solved. best whishes, bernhard
Attachment #277210 - Attachment mime type: application/octet-stream → text/plain
Ok, so it cannot even connect to the server. The SeaMonkey Browser works just fine? Do you have by any chance a proxy server defined?
yes the seamonkey browser works fine indeed. i have changed nothing in the settings. the mailaccount works just by pop3, so i can fetch the mails, but no answer is possible. in outlook express it works complete. so i think it is not a reason of my local settings. i tried to create the account new a few times, but did not get him to work perfect. the account was imported automatic by upgrade from mozilla to seamonkey and it worked fine, till the upgrade to version 1.1.4. greets, bernhard
Do you have multiple outgoing SMTP server entries now in the Account Settings (I guess they look all the same)? I'm somewhat clueless what is going wrong here, especially why it's also broken if you go back to SeaMonkey 1.1.2.
no, i have just one smtp server entry ( i have tried to replace the entry with the ip adress of that server, but the reason was the same. i am no newbee i work as networkadministrator in the university of life siences in vienna since 1987, so, i think i have tried everything. the dump in the logfile just said that the server could not be reached? or maybe a login problem? the smtp server uses the same login as the pop server. maybe the seamonkey engine works a little bit different since the change to 1.1.4? i dont know? maybe i try to remove the suete completely and make a new setup. is it possible to save the personal profile and the mails on a different location?
To Bernhard Finster(bug opener): Does information in next pages have relation to your problem? (Picked up sites from result of google search with "port 25 block")
i think i have found the problem, in the login of the seamonkey suite the login username is deleted. can i edit it in a simple way? then i think the problem is solved. see atached screenshot. greets, bernhard
What happens if you remove the smtp:// entry and try to send a mail?
i am trieing to do that just this moment. wait a little bit
ok, i have deleted the comlete account, both entries in passwordmanager (pop&smtp), rebooted my pc and created the account new. now, when i look in passwordmanager, the pop login has been created new, but the smtp entry has not been created and i still can send no retrieve mail is possible, it is the same result than before.
i tried to switch the mail authentification described on this thread and it works again fine. just use ssl by sending mail and the problem is past. thank you very much for your time, nice weekend, bernhard.
now, i try to update again to 1.1.4. will give a statement soon.
hi, it works fine, i had no things to create new. sending and retrieving mails is possible. thank you, nice weekend, bernhard :-))))
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Good to hear :), switching resolution to WFM since no patch was needed to fix this. SSL is better anyway ;) (though I still wonder why you had the problems with normal SMTP).
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