Closed Bug 400629 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

The "User Preferences" doc page has no information about saved searches


(Bugzilla :: Documentation, defect)

Not set



Bugzilla 2.20


(Reporter: LpSolit, Assigned: sam.folkwilliams)





(4 files, 2 obsolete files)

The "Saved searches" panel was added in Bugzilla 2.18 but has never been documented. Moreover, the order of tabs has been changed in 3.0, but the doc still refers to the old (pre-2.18) order. Sam, is this something you would like to fix?
Frederic - looks like this is documented the Search section:

Do you think it should be moved to user pref?

(In reply to comment #1)
> Frederic - looks like this is documented the Search section:

Hum, I don't know which section you are referring to. You mean 5.5.4? That's not really related as it doesn't explain what the UI displays and what you can do from there. So there is no need to move anything, "just" add new doc to userpreferences.html.
(In reply to comment #2)
> Hum, I don't know which section you are referring to. You mean 5.5.4? That's
> not really related as it doesn't explain what the UI displays and what you can
> do from there. So there is no need to move anything, "just" add new doc to
> userpreferences.html.

It's just section 5.5 - appears like this (but I agree this can be improved/added to user prefs): 

" Once you've run a search, you can save it as a Saved Search, which appears in the page footer. On the Saved Searches tab of your User Preferences page (the Prefs link in Bugzilla's footer), members of the group defined in the querysharegroup parameter can share such Saved Searches with user groups so that other users may use them. At the same place, you can see Saved Searches other users are sharing, and have them show up in your personal Bugzilla footer along with your own Saved Searches. If somebody is sharing a Search with a group she or he is allowed to assign users to, the sharer may opt to have the Search show up in the group's direct members' footers by default.

Ah right, I see it now. I would say: move this paragraph in "userprefs" and only keep a minimal text in "search" pointing to "userprefs" (something like: if you are in the group defined by the "querysharegroup" parameter, you may share your queries with other users, see section <link to userprefs>).
Please, remember also to fix tab rename from "Account Preferences" to "Name and Password" as well as footer link name change. I didn't verify actual page content documentation so the person that's going to fix this bug should read through and make sure actual pages and documentation are in sync.
taking this - it will involve a decent amount of changes to this section
Assignee: documentation → sam.folkwilliams
Attached patch draft 1Splinter Review
I moved the saved searches description from the query section into user prefs. Rearranged the order of the descriptions of the pref tabs, added missing information, and edited existing info.
Attachment #298120 - Flags: review?(documentation)
Comment on attachment 298120 [details] [diff] [review]
draft 1

>-          Your Bugzilla administrator can stop a user from receiving
>+          A Bugzilla administrator can stop a user from receiving
>           bugmail by adding the user's name to the 
>           <filename>data/nomail</filename> file.

data/nomail no longer exists, but this can be fixed on checkin. Great patch! r=LpSolit
Attachment #298120 - Flags: review?(documentation) → review+

Checking in docs/xml/using.xml;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/docs/xml/using.xml,v  <--  using.xml
new revision: 1.78; previous revision: 1.77

This patch needs to be backported to 3.0, 2.22 and 2.20 are they are all different from 3.2.
Attached patch backport to 3.0Splinter Review
Backport to version 3.0
Attachment #299202 - Flags: review?(documentation)
Attached patch backport to 2.22 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Backport to 2.22
Attachment #299214 - Flags: review?(documentation)
Attached patch backport to 2.20 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
and.... 2.20 backport attached
Attachment #299350 - Flags: review?(documentation)
Comment on attachment 299202 [details] [diff] [review]
backport to 3.0

Attachment #299202 - Flags: review?(documentation) → review+
Comment on attachment 299214 [details] [diff] [review]
backport to 2.22

>-          Your Bugzilla administrator can stop a user from receiving
>-          bugmail by adding the user's name to the 
>-          <filename>data/nomail</filename> file. This is a drastic step
>+          A Bugzilla administrator can stop a user from receiving
>+          bugmail by clicking the <quote>Bugmail Disabled</quote> checkbox
>+          when editing the user account. This is a drastic step

This change is incorrect. There is no UI in 2.22 to do that, so you have to use data/nomail.

>+      On this tab you can view and run any Saved Searches that you have
>+      created, and also any Saved Searches that other members of the group
>+      defined in the "querysharegroup" parameter have shared. 
>+      Saved Searches can be added to the page footer from this screen. 
>+      If somebody is sharing a Search with a group she or he is allowed to
>+      <link linkend="groups">assign users to</link>, the sharer may opt to have
>+      the Search show up in the footer of the group's direct members by default.

Shared saved searches do not exist in 2.22. This feature requires 3.0 or newer.

Everything else looks good.
Attachment #299214 - Flags: review?(documentation) → review-
Comment on attachment 299350 [details] [diff] [review]
backport to 2.20

>-            When viewing a bug, show comments in this order -

Do not remove this user pref. This one really exists in 2.20.

>-        The first item on this page is marked <quote>Users to watch</quote>.

You deleted the section about user watching. It should still be present, but at the end of the section as in newer releases.

>-          Your Bugzilla administrator can stop a user from receiving
>-          bugmail by adding the user's name to the 
>-          <filename>data/nomail</filename> file. This is a drastic step
>+          A Bugzilla administrator can stop a user from receiving
>+          bugmail by clicking the <quote>Bugmail Disabled</quote> checkbox
>+          when editing the user account. This is a drastic step

This change is incorrect. There is no UI to do that in 2.20.

>+      On this tab you can view and run any Saved Searches that you have
>+      created, and also any Saved Searches that other members of the group
>+      defined in the "querysharegroup" parameter have shared. 

You cannot share queries on 2.20.

>+             bz_sudoers
>+          <term>
>+             bz_sudo_protect

These privileges do not exist in 2.20. Impersonation requires 2.22 or newer.
Attachment #299350 - Flags: review?(documentation) → review-
Attached patch 2.22 draft2Splinter Review
made corrections based on LpSolit's comments.
Attachment #299214 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #299749 - Flags: review?(LpSolit)
Comment on attachment 299749 [details] [diff] [review]
2.22 draft2

Attachment #299749 - Flags: review?(LpSolit) → review+
Attached patch 2.20 draft2Splinter Review
added LpSolit's corrections.

Attachment #299350 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #299820 - Flags: review?(LpSolit)
Comment on attachment 299820 [details] [diff] [review]
2.20 draft2

>-        <listitem>
>-          <para>
>-            When viewing a bug, show comments in this order -
>+         <listitem>
>+           <para>
>+            When viewing a bug, show comments in this order - 

Incorrect and useless change. I will remove it on checkin.

Everything else looks good. Thanks for the backports. r=LpSolit
Attachment #299820 - Flags: review?(LpSolit) → review+

Checking in docs/xml/using.xml;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/docs/xml/using.xml,v  <--  using.xml
new revision:; previous revision:


Checking in docs/xml/using.xml;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/docs/xml/using.xml,v  <--  using.xml
new revision:; previous revision:


Checking in docs/xml/using.xml;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/docs/xml/using.xml,v  <--  using.xml
new revision:; previous revision:
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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