Closed Bug 417914 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Page content on MSDN is not being displayed


(Core :: Layout, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: mcsmurf, Unassigned)




(Keywords: regression)


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

To reproduce: 1. Go to URL Observe that the content on the right side is blank. If you drag the gray line on the left to the left side of the window to close the table of contents, the content usually appears again. This regressed between 2008-01-28-02 and 2008-01-29-02.
Looks like this was caused by Bug 134706, tested via local back-out. Not sure if this bug here is valid as another dep of that bug (Bug 415252) was marked invalid. Probably need further analysis of the MSDN site here (and/or testcase).
Blocks: 134706
Component: General → Layout
QA Contact: general → layout
Summary: Page content on MSDN is not displayed → Page content on MSDN is not being displayed
Waldo confirmed this bug.
Ever confirmed: true
The problem is caused by long unbreakable strings of text down the page (under 'Community Content'). The sidebar is a floated block, the right column is _basically_ a block with 'overflow:auto' set; in it there is also a block with overflow:hidden. Both columns within another block with 'position:fixed, bottom:0'. For some reason I haven't fully understood yet, those long strings cause the right column to expand in width (too wide to fit next to the floated left column), it then drops below the float, but becomes invisible. Maybe 'overflow:hidden' clips those long strings visually, but the overflowing strings still affect the width of the parent block ? WebKit wraps those long strings to the width of the column, Opera doesn't wrap those lines, but doesn't drop the column / expand the width of the column as Gecko does.
Attached file sort-of-reduced testcase (obsolete) —
Not completely the same as what MSDN does, but close, and it illustrates the issue, I think. The right column drops below the left column in Gecko, but not in WebKit or Opera 9.5. Note also: MSDN set 'overflow:hidden' on the root element (html). I had missed that first pass around.
oops, I attached the wrong file :(
Attachment #303853 - Attachment is obsolete: true
David: Can you check what is going on here?
Maybe a regression. Not sure though as the rendering changed and if the new rendering is correct and so being no regression. Requesting blocking1.9 due to that.
Flags: blocking1.9?
Flags: tracking1.9? → blocking1.9?
Our behavior on attachment 303854 [details] looks correct to me. Is this specific to one MSDN page or a general problem?
Specific to that page, probably because of the very long user comment at the end of the page.
Looks like WONTFIX as far as we know.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Clearing flag in that case.
Flags: blocking1.9?
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