Closed Bug 426171 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Icon and preview in the addons manager for the default theme


(Firefox :: Theme, defect)

Not set



Firefox 3


(Reporter: ventnor.bugzilla, Assigned: ventnor.bugzilla)



(3 files, 4 obsolete files)

Got some wonderful icons from one of the Tango guys on IRC a few nights ago. This is to replace the icon and preview in the Theme section of the addons manager since those still use Firefox 2 artifacts.
Attached image preview.png (obsolete) —
Follows pretty much the same layout except more colourful. We can't use the standard toolbar icons like before since those are now dynamic on Linux.
Attached image icon.png
We can't use the reload icon here like before for aforementioned reasons, plus because the "reloaded" pun was Firefox 2's. So we took the folded shirt metaphor that Linux now uses for themes. Take a look at it and see if you can guess the inspiration for the style and colours. Ingenious, no? :-) Also, reed, what's the process for image-only checkins? Just approval is necessary, IIRC?
While we don't need to completely follow, I do think we probably need the (R) for the word "Firefox"... gerv or David, could you let us know what this needs to have?
Copying Frank for his feedback.
(In reply to comment #3) > While we don't need to completely follow >, I do think > we probably need the (R) for the word "Firefox"... gerv or David, could you let > us know what this needs to have? Yes, it would be good practice to use the "R in circle" symbol for the word "Firefox", since it is in fact a registered trademark and we do this for other uses of the term (e.g., on the home page).
Assignee: nobody → michael.monreal
Flags: blocking-firefox3?
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 3
The only reason I didn't bother was because the Firefox 2 preview didn't have the (R).
(In reply to comment #6) > The only reason I didn't bother was because the Firefox 2 preview didn't have > the (R). Yep, that was a mistake. I've asked faaborg to make sure the new preview icons for Firefox 3 on all OSs include the (R).
Attached image preview.png (R) (obsolete) —
Attachment #312711 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #312713 - Flags: approval1.9?
Comment on attachment 312861 [details] preview.png (R) This doesn't match the real logo... the (R) is the wrong color and is in the wrong spot.
Attachment #312861 - Flags: ui-review-
Attached image preview.png (R) 2 (obsolete) —
I didn't know you were a ui-reviewer reed ;) Shall I ask you again? :P Also, I need to know where the theme version and description is kept, I can't use MXR because the search takes so long that the server kills it before its finished, leaving me with nothing.
Attachment #312861 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #312864 - Flags: ui-review?(reed)
(In reply to comment #10) > I didn't know you were a ui-reviewer reed ;) Shall I ask you again? :P Minuses are always free. ;) This doesn't look like the right gray, as compared to what is using. Looks like you need to use #545454 (RGB: 84, 84, 84). Change that, and then request ui-r from faaborg, please. :) > Also, I need to know where the theme version and description is kept, I can't > use MXR because the search takes so long that the server kills it before its > finished, leaving me with nothing. Already handling this in bug 423177.
Attachment #312713 - Flags: ui-review?(faaborg)
Comment on attachment 312713 [details] icon.png I fail to see why a ui-r from faaborg is necessary.
Attachment #312713 - Flags: ui-review?(faaborg)
Attachment #312864 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #312864 - Flags: ui-review?(reed)
Has faaborg ui-reviewed these icons yet? As far as I know, he reviews all the icons the Tango team submits before they are attached to a bug for committing. If he hasn't, he needs to, as it's his call.
Attached image Right colour of the (R) (obsolete) —
I really wonder who is going to notice a different hue on the (R) unless they're explicitly looking for it?
Attachment #312713 - Flags: approval1.9?
Attachment #312713 - Flags: ui-review?(faaborg)
Attachment #312868 - Flags: ui-review?(faaborg)
Attached image Style guidelines
>I fail to see why a ui-r from faaborg is necessary. Because we are crazy OCD about our word mark, and I have access to detailed documents chock full of rules :) The three things we need to get right are: -Font is meta bold roman -Color should be rgb(214, 66, 3) #D64203 -(r) mark should be black, and needs to be aligned to the top of the x
Comment on attachment 312868 [details] Right colour of the (R) I need to check on if we are allowed to use different colors for the word (for instance our new home page uses a darker red). In the meantime, the aliasing on the text seems wrong, particularly on either side of the f. Do you have the font or are you resizing an existing image? I can send you the font if you need it.
Attachment #312868 - Flags: ui-review?(faaborg) → ui-review-
Looking at the style guidelines I guess the (R) is supposed to match the word mozilla if it is present, and would be in #666666 or rgb(102,102,102) Here are the guidelines in case anyone is curious:
Alex, we used an existing image. Sending me the font would be appreciated, just send it as an attachment to my bugmail.
faaborg, can you please also ui-r the icon.png? (And hurry? RC1 is getting close)
Attachment #312868 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #313587 - Flags: ui-review?(faaborg)
Comment on attachment 313587 [details] preview.png - Hopefully right this time Looks great
Attachment #313587 - Flags: ui-review?(faaborg) → ui-review+
Comment on attachment 312713 [details] icon.png Looks fine, bonus points for using a tango style firefox logo on the blue shirt instead of a stripe :)
Attachment #312713 - Flags: ui-review?(faaborg) → ui-review+
>Take a look at it and see if you can guess the inspiration for the style and >colours. Ingenious, no? :-) I'm at a loss, what was the inspiration?
(In reply to comment #21) > (From update of attachment 312713 [details]) > Looks fine, bonus points for using a tango style firefox logo on the blue shirt > instead of a stripe :) > I didn't do so because I thought the icon was going to change soon? (Plus, subtlety is what makes it more memorable :) ) (In reply to comment #22) > >Take a look at it and see if you can guess the inspiration for the style and > >colours. Ingenious, no? :-) > > I'm at a loss, what was the inspiration? > What other graphic do you know of that uses those colours? :)
Attachment #312713 - Flags: approval1.9?
Attachment #313587 - Flags: approval1.9?
Flags: blocking-firefox3? → blocking-firefox3+
Attachment #313587 - Flags: approval1.9? → approval1.9+
Attachment #312713 - Flags: approval1.9? → approval1.9+
Keywords: checkin-needed
Assignee: michael.monreal → ventnor.bugzilla
Keywords: checkin-needed
Checking in browser/themes/gnomestripe/browser/icon.png; /cvsroot/mozilla/browser/themes/gnomestripe/browser/icon.png,v <-- icon.png new revision: 1.5; previous revision: 1.4 done Checking in browser/themes/gnomestripe/browser/preview.png; /cvsroot/mozilla/browser/themes/gnomestripe/browser/preview.png,v <-- preview.png new revision: 1.5; previous revision: 1.4 done
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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