Closed Bug 426695 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Bugzilla Installation problem(DBD:Mysql:st Execute Failed)


(Bugzilla :: Database, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: zandeeppb, Unassigned)




User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Build Identifier: BUgzilla 3 Hi When I am trying the run the commend "C:\Bugzilla>perl"the following error will occur -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This is Bugzilla 3.0.3 on perl 5.8.8 * Running on WinXP/.Net Build 2600 (Service Pack 3) Checking perl modules... Checking for CGI (v2.93) ok: found v3.29 Checking for TimeDate (v2.21) ok: found v2.22 Checking for DBI (v1.41) ok: found v1.602 Checking for PathTools (v0.84) ok: found v3.25 Checking for Template-Toolkit (v2.12) ok: found v2.19 Checking for Email-Send (v2.16) ok: found v2.185 Checking for Email-MIME-Modifier (any) ok: found v1.442 Checking available perl DBD modules... Checking for DBD-Pg (v1.45) not found Checking for DBD-mysql (v2.9003) ok: found v4.005 The following Perl modules are optional: Checking for GD (v1.20) ok: found v2.35 Checking for Template-GD (any) ok: found v1.56 Checking for Chart (v1.0) ok: found v2.3 Checking for GDGraph (any) ok: found v1.4308 Checking for GDTextUtil (any) ok: found v0.86 Checking for XML-Twig (any) ok: found v3.32 Checking for MIME-tools (v5.406) ok: found v5.420 Checking for libwww-perl (any) ok: found v2.036 Checking for PatchReader (v0.9.4) ok: found v0.9.5 Checking for PerlMagick (any) not found Checking for perl-ldap (any) ok: found v0.34 Checking for SOAP-Lite (any) ok: found v0.55 Checking for HTML-Parser (v3.40) ok: found v3.56 Checking for HTML-Scrubber (any) ok: found v0.08 Checking for Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper (any) ok: found v1.313 Checking for Email-Reply (any) ok: found v1.202 Checking for mod_perl (v1.999022) ok: found v2.000003 Checking for CGI (v3.11) ok: found v3.29 * NOTE: You must run any commands listed below as Administrator. *********************************************************************** * Note For Windows Users * *********************************************************************** * In order to install the modules listed below, you first have to run * * the following command as an Administrator: * * * * ppm repo add theory58S * * * * Then you have to do (also as an Administrator): * * * * ppm repo up theory58S * * * * Do that last command over and over until you see "theory58S" at the * * top of the displayed list. * *********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** * OPTIONAL MODULES * ********************************************************************** * Certain Perl modules are not required by Bugzilla, but by * * installing the latest version you gain access to additional * * features. * * * * The optional modules you do not have installed are listed below, * * with the name of the feature they enable. If you want to install * * one of these modules, just run the appropriate command in the * * "COMMANDS TO INSTALL" section. * ********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** * MODULE NAME * ENABLES FEATURE(S) * *********************************************************************** * PerlMagick * Optionally Convert BMP Attachments to PNGs * *********************************************************************** COMMANDS TO INSTALL: PerlMagick: ppm install PerlMagick Reading ./localconfig... OPTIONAL NOTE: If you want to be able to use the 'difference between two patches' feature of Bugzilla (which requires the PatchReader Perl module as well), you should install patchutils from: Checking for DBD-mysql (v2.9003) ok: found v4.005 Checking for MySQL (v4.1.2) ok: found v5.0.51a-community-nt Building Schema object from database... Adding new table bz_schema ... Initializing the new Schema storage... Adding new table attach_data ... Adding new table attachments ... Adding new table bug_group_map ... Adding new table bug_severity ... Adding new table bug_status ... Adding new table bugs ... Adding new table bugs_activity ... Adding new table category_group_map ... Adding new table cc ... Adding new table classifications ... Adding new table component_cc ... Adding new table components ... Adding new table dependencies ... Adding new table duplicates ... Adding new table email_setting ... Adding new table fielddefs ... Adding new table flagexclusions ... Adding new table flaginclusions ... Adding new table flags ... Adding new table flagtypes ... Adding new table group_control_map ... Adding new table group_group_map ... Adding new table groups ... Adding new table keyworddefs ... Adding new table keywords ... Adding new table logincookies ... Adding new table longdescs ... Adding new table milestones ... Adding new table namedqueries ... Adding new table namedqueries_link_in_footer ... Adding new table namedquery_group_map ... Adding new table op_sys ... Adding new table priority ... Adding new table products ... Adding new table profile_setting ... Adding new table profiles ... DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Lost connection to MySQL server during query [for Statement "UPDATE bz_schema SET schema_data = ?, version = ?" with ParamVal ues: 1='2.00', 0='$VAR1 = { 'attach_data' => { 'FIELDS' => [ 'id', { 'NOTNULL' => 1, 'PRIMARYKEY' => 1, 'TYPE' => 'INT3' ...'] at Bugzilla/ line 1052 Bugzilla::DB::_bz_store_real_schema('Bugzilla::DB::Mysql=HASH(0x37eef14) ') called at Bugzilla/ line 573 Bugzilla::DB::bz_add_table('Bugzilla::DB::Mysql=HASH(0x37eef14)', 'profi les') called at Bugzilla/ line 413 Bugzilla::DB::bz_setup_database('Bugzilla::DB::Mysql=HASH(0x37eef14)') c alled at Bugzilla/DB/ line 466 Bugzilla::DB::Mysql::bz_setup_database('Bugzilla::DB::Mysql=HASH(0x37eef 14)') called at line 144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please help to solve this problem...... Regards sandeep PB Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: cmd 2.c:\cd Bugzilla 3.c:\bugzilla\perl Actual Results: * This is Bugzilla 3.0.3 on perl 5.8.8 * Running on WinXP/.Net Build 2600 (Service Pack 3) Checking perl modules... Checking for CGI (v2.93) ok: found v3.29 Checking for TimeDate (v2.21) ok: found v2.22 Checking for DBI (v1.41) ok: found v1.602 Checking for PathTools (v0.84) ok: found v3.25 Checking for Template-Toolkit (v2.12) ok: found v2.19 Checking for Email-Send (v2.16) ok: found v2.185 Checking for Email-MIME-Modifier (any) ok: found v1.442 Checking available perl DBD modules... Checking for DBD-Pg (v1.45) not found Checking for DBD-mysql (v2.9003) ok: found v4.005 The following Perl modules are optional: Checking for GD (v1.20) ok: found v2.35 Checking for Template-GD (any) ok: found v1.56 Checking for Chart (v1.0) ok: found v2.3 Checking for GDGraph (any) ok: found v1.4308 Checking for GDTextUtil (any) ok: found v0.86 Checking for XML-Twig (any) ok: found v3.32 Checking for MIME-tools (v5.406) ok: found v5.420 Checking for libwww-perl (any) ok: found v2.036 Checking for PatchReader (v0.9.4) ok: found v0.9.5 Checking for PerlMagick (any) not found Checking for perl-ldap (any) ok: found v0.34 Checking for SOAP-Lite (any) ok: found v0.55 Checking for HTML-Parser (v3.40) ok: found v3.56 Checking for HTML-Scrubber (any) ok: found v0.08 Checking for Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper (any) ok: found v1.313 Checking for Email-Reply (any) ok: found v1.202 Checking for mod_perl (v1.999022) ok: found v2.000003 Checking for CGI (v3.11) ok: found v3.29 * NOTE: You must run any commands listed below as Administrator. *********************************************************************** * Note For Windows Users * *********************************************************************** * In order to install the modules listed below, you first have to run * * the following command as an Administrator: * * * * ppm repo add theory58S * * * * Then you have to do (also as an Administrator): * * * * ppm repo up theory58S * * * * Do that last command over and over until you see "theory58S" at the * * top of the displayed list. * *********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** * OPTIONAL MODULES * ********************************************************************** * Certain Perl modules are not required by Bugzilla, but by * * installing the latest version you gain access to additional * * features. * * * * The optional modules you do not have installed are listed below, * * with the name of the feature they enable. If you want to install * * one of these modules, just run the appropriate command in the * * "COMMANDS TO INSTALL" section. * ********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** * MODULE NAME * ENABLES FEATURE(S) * *********************************************************************** * PerlMagick * Optionally Convert BMP Attachments to PNGs * *********************************************************************** COMMANDS TO INSTALL: PerlMagick: ppm install PerlMagick Reading ./localconfig... OPTIONAL NOTE: If you want to be able to use the 'difference between two patches' feature of Bugzilla (which requires the PatchReader Perl module as well), you should install patchutils from: Checking for DBD-mysql (v2.9003) ok: found v4.005 Checking for MySQL (v4.1.2) ok: found v5.0.51a-community-nt Building Schema object from database... Adding new table bz_schema ... Initializing the new Schema storage... Adding new table attach_data ... Adding new table attachments ... Adding new table bug_group_map ... Adding new table bug_severity ... Adding new table bug_status ... Adding new table bugs ... Adding new table bugs_activity ... Adding new table category_group_map ... Adding new table cc ... Adding new table classifications ... Adding new table component_cc ... Adding new table components ... Adding new table dependencies ... Adding new table duplicates ... Adding new table email_setting ... Adding new table fielddefs ... Adding new table flagexclusions ... Adding new table flaginclusions ... Adding new table flags ... Adding new table flagtypes ... Adding new table group_control_map ... Adding new table group_group_map ... Adding new table groups ... Adding new table keyworddefs ... Adding new table keywords ... Adding new table logincookies ... Adding new table longdescs ... Adding new table milestones ... Adding new table namedqueries ... Adding new table namedqueries_link_in_footer ... Adding new table namedquery_group_map ... Adding new table op_sys ... Adding new table priority ... Adding new table products ... Adding new table profile_setting ... Adding new table profiles ... DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Lost connection to MySQL server during query [for Statement "UPDATE bz_schema SET schema_data = ?, version = ?" with ParamVal ues: 1='2.00', 0='$VAR1 = { 'attach_data' => { 'FIELDS' => [ 'id', { 'NOTNULL' => 1, 'PRIMARYKEY' => 1, 'TYPE' => 'INT3' ...'] at Bugzilla/ line 1052 Bugzilla::DB::_bz_store_real_schema('Bugzilla::DB::Mysql=HASH(0x37eef14) ') called at Bugzilla/ line 573 Bugzilla::DB::bz_add_table('Bugzilla::DB::Mysql=HASH(0x37eef14)', 'profi les') called at Bugzilla/ line 413 Bugzilla::DB::bz_setup_database('Bugzilla::DB::Mysql=HASH(0x37eef14)') c alled at Bugzilla/DB/ line 466 Bugzilla::DB::Mysql::bz_setup_database('Bugzilla::DB::Mysql=HASH(0x37eef 14)') called at line 144 Expected Results: Checking perl modules ... Checking for AppConfig (v1.52) ok: found v1.55 Checking for CGI (v2.93) ok: found v3.10 Checking for Data::Dumper (any) ok: found v2.121_04 Checking for Date::Format (v2.21) ok: found v2.22 Checking for DBI (v1.38) ok: found v1.48 Checking for File::Spec (v0.84) ok: found v3.05 Checking for File::Temp (any) ok: found v0.16 Checking for Template (v2.08) ok: found v2.13 Checking for Text::Wrap (v2001.0131) ok: found v2001.09293 Checking for Mail::Mailer (v1.65) ok: found v1.67 Checking for Storable (any) ok: found v2.13 The following Perl modules are optional: Checking for GD (v1.20) ok: found v2.16 Checking for Chart::Base (v1.0) ok: found v2.3 Checking for XML::Parser (any) ok: found v2.34 Checking for GD::Graph (any) ok: found v1.43 Checking for GD::Text::Align (any) ok: found v1.18 Checking for PatchReader (v0.9.4) ok: found v0.9.5 Most ActivePerl modules are available at Apache's ppm repository. A list of mirrors is available at You can add the repository with the following command: ppm rep add apache Checking user setup ... Creating data directory (./data) ... Creating graphs directory... Creating .htaccess... Creating Bugzilla/.htaccess... Creating ./data/.htaccess... Creating ./template/.htaccess... Creating ./data/webdot/.htaccess... Precompiling templates ... Checking for MySQL Server (v3.23.41) ok: found v4.0.20a-debug Creating table user_group_map ... Creating table series_data ... Creating table longdescs ... Creating table dependencies ... Creating table components ... Creating table keywords ... Creating table cc ... Creating table duplicates ... Creating table groups ... Creating table flagtypes ... Creating table profiles ... Creating table products ... Creating table bugs_activity ... Creating table series_categories ... Creating table keyworddefs ... Creating table fielddefs ... Creating table group_control_map ... Creating table profiles_activity ... Creating table group_group_map ... Creating table user_series_map ... Creating table bugs ... Creating table series ... Creating table versions ... Creating table flagexclusions ... Creating table logincookies ... Creating table watch ... Creating table bug_group_map ... Creating table votes ... Creating table attachments ... Creating table flags ... Creating table milestones ... Creating table tokens ... Creating table flaginclusions ... Creating table quips ... Creating table namedqueries ... Creating initial dummy product 'TestProduct' ... Populating duplicates table... Creating duplicates directory... Migrating old chart data into database ... Adding group tweakparams ... Adding group editusers ... Adding group creategroups ... Adding group editcomponents ... Adding group editkeywords ... Adding group admin ... Adding group editbugs ... Adding group canconfirm ... Looks like we don't have an administrator set up yet. Either this is your first time using Bugzilla, or your administrator's privileges might have accidently been deleted. Enter the e-mail address of the administrator: You entered ''. Is this correct? [Y/n] y Enter the real name of the administrator: Byron Jones Enter a password for the administrator account: beef Please retype the password to verify: beef '' is now set up as an administrator account.
This is a support question, not a bug. See:
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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