Open Bug 431390 Opened 17 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Context menu actions should relate to position and type of target clicked


(Calendar :: Calendar Frontend, defect)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: Fallen, Unassigned)



After consolidating the context menus in bug 430430, some issues related to how the context menu should look like emerged. All these issues have an underlying problem, to be noted later on. The issues: * Clicking on a certain location in the view and selecting paste should modify the start date to match the location clicked * (Partially fixed) Some menuitems should be hidden, depending on if its an event or task. * Behavior should be defined with multiple items selected * The task item is currently retrieved from the focused tree. It should be done at context menu level, since its also needed that the task menu appears for the calendar view, when tasks-in-view is enabled. This could be solved by separating the context menus commands from the command controller and passing the real event (i.e with mouse coordinates). Also, the type of item selected could be retrieved by using a UI interface for XUL elements. Any item that has an task/event specific context menu could implement this interface, so that the target item could be retrieved via or or such. Some of this could possibly be split into a different bug, but it all goes together so I'll leave that to whoever fixes this bug.
Severity: normal → S3
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