Closed Bug 432376 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Build ESX server upgrades to ESX 3.5


(Release Engineering :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mrz, Assigned: mrz)




Assignee: server-ops → nobody
Component: Server Operations → Release Engineering
QA Contact: justin → release
Tracking bug for ESX 3.5 upgrades. I spoke with John this afternoon about this and am leaning on Build to help set a schedule to upgrade ESX hosts. From your POV, this will involve a reboot of every VM to pick up new vmware-tools. Outage window per VM is whatever a reboot looks like. The exception to this is some number of VMs on the DL385 (AMD) servers. All four of those servers are loaded such that I can't shift load off one to upgrade. I will need to move VMs from at least one DL385 to bm-vmware03. I can't, however, VMotion between AMD and Intel. Those VMs will need to be shutdown, VMotion'd (while powered off), powered up to get new vmware-tools and rebooted. Looking for guidance and would like to have a schedule in place this week to start next week. John mentioned Build would triage this Tuesday - feel free to ping me if you want to include me.
Group: infra
Depends on: 432691
I would like to start on bm-vmware05 which has the least number of VMs (4). Tracking in bug 432691.
Assignee: nobody → mrz
bm-vmware11 upgraded this morning. The following VMs will need VMware Tools updated (which you can do at your leisure): displayName = "production-prometheus-vm" displayName = "staging-1.9-master" displayName = "staging-pacifica-vm" displayName = "fx-linux-tbox" displayName = "fx-win32-tbox" displayName = "mobile-linux-slave1" displayName = "production-1.8-master" displayName = "production-1.9-master" displayName = "production-pacifica-vm" displayName = "qm-centos5-02" displayName = "qm-centos5-moz2-01" displayName = "qm-win2k3-moz2-01" displayName = "qm-win2k3-pgo01"
Basically done (vmware01 is upgrading but it only has ref images which are all powered off). Tracking vmware tools upgrade in bug 432451.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Please remove the infra flag on bug 432451 if it's for comment #3.
Product: → Release Engineering
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