Closed Bug 440294 Opened 16 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Firefox sometimes crashes when downloading/saving file


(Toolkit :: Downloads API, defect)

1.9.0 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: mozilla, Unassigned)


(Keywords: crash)


(1 file)

As reported in by Elbert Pol Firefox 3.0 on OS/2 crashes sometimes when saving/downloading a file. I have experienced the same, although it's not really reproducible.

Console output looks like this:

Killed by SIGSEGV
pid=0x0096 ppid=0x002f tid=0x0001 slot=0x009c pri=0x0200 mc=0x0001
LIBC063 ffffffff:ffffffff
cs:eip=005b:217744b1      ss:esp=0053:0011d6c8      ebp=0011d864
  ds=0053      es=0053      fs=150b      gs=0000     efl=00210a96
eax=ff00000b ebx=216ade08 ecx=00000000 edx=217743d8 edi=00000000 
Process dumping was disabled, use DUMPPROC / PROCDUMP to enable it.

so it's basically useless but I guess it's an OS/2 specific problem.
Hey Peter,

Could you get a backtrace so I can try to figure out what's up?
It's not as easy on OS/2 as it is on Linux to take a backtrace, but I'm going to make a debug build to do that.
Attached file debugger output
OK, created a debug build and managed to reproduce it running under the debugger a few times. But I'm not sure that I get accurate information. As can be seen from this attachment, the member variables involved have a very unlikely address of 0xDDDDDDDD. If it is true, however, then the crash occurred in nsCachedStyleData::GetStyleContent(), the debugger put me onto the line coming
which is included into layout/style/nsRuleNode.cpp several times with different settings.

Before running under the debugger, I got the crash from the debug build with console output and saw that it occurred in GKLAYOUT.DLL. So maybe the debugger crash is different from the non-debug build which crashed in the C library... But still, could very well be that this has nothing to do with the download manager, storage or SQLite as I had first suspected.
Hmm, I haven't been able to make it crash in the last weeks. Since I added the last comment I have downloaded tons of stuff and it hasn't crashed since...
Very often it crashes when I click on a PDF link. The PDF loads and displays in lucide, but firefox is gone.
jms, do you see similar console output after the crash as in comment 0? With a crash in LIBC063.DLL or do you see another DLL listed? Have you seen it for images at all?

I downloaded a few PDFs, also viewed them in Lucide, and it worked without crashes. I should perhaps not that when I still experienced the crashes when downloading images I saw that the files were downloaded just fine.
I started from command prompt, clicked on a PDF file, firefox crashed but there was no output in the console.

I then created a fresh profile, copied my old prefs.js into it: no crash.
I started with normal profile in -safe-mode: no crash
I started with normal profile in normal mode: no crash any more!?
I hate bugs that vanish while investigating them...

If you try again to capture console output, you may have to redirect the stderr output, like this:
   firefox.exe > output.log 2>&1

At least we can now assume that it is some setting in the profile which triggers this bug.
I did not modify my original profile.
All I did was starting FF with -safe-mode one time.
Maybe that did something which solved the problem.

If others experience the crash, they may try to start FF once with -safe-mode.
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
I haven't seen the crash any more in the last weeks and haven't seen anybody else complaining, so I'm resolving this WFM. We can always reopen, if we get more evidence.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
OK, so this seems to be more frequent with FF 3.0.3, so I reopen it.
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Severity: major → critical
I haven't seen this problem with Firefox 3.5.x any more. Should we resolve it as WORKSFORME? Or has anyone still seen this?
Works for me...

Crashes frequently with Firefox 3.6 Beta 4 under Fedora Core 10
WFM per comments 12 and 13. 
Marcus, if you still see crash, please file new bug with stacktrace
Closed: 16 years ago14 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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