Closed Bug 44084 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

attachment filename saved with extra text


(MailNews Core :: MIME, defect, P3)

Mac System 8.5


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Brade, Assigned: rhp)


Sometimes when I get a message with an attachment, I see "(not downloaded yet)" (or something like that) in the drop down list of attachments. When I save the file(s), the file name includes "(not downloaded yet)". I expect the filename to be saved with the filename sent unless I pick a different name. Unfortunately our mail server is currently down so I can't provide you with more details/exact descriptions.
QA Contact: lchiang → pmock
Target Milestone: --- → M17
This looks like a problem with the file picker or something very Mac specific, because this works as it should on Windows. Can you describe exactly what happens after you select the file to save? - rhp
I can reproduce a similar problem in today Mac commercial seamonkey build 2000-070608-m17 installed on G3/400 MacOS 9.04. Steps to reproduce problem: 1) On Mac 4.7, sent yourself a mail message that contains a jpeg attachment. Be sure the file you're attaching doesn't have a file extension, i.e .JPG 2) Launch semonkey 3) Open mail 4) Log into mail I was running on IMAP 5) Select the mail message you sent from 4.7 6) Click on the paperclip icon The attachment name should be called "...(not downloaded yet". 7) Select the attachment name It should bring up the "Open/Save Attachment" 8) Click on the radio button to "Open It" and click OK The dialog entitled "Unknown File Type" dialog appears 9) Click ont he "Save File" dialog The "Save" dialog appears. The default file name given is "INBOX>2012" It may crash to macsbug when it click OK to continu. * I was not able to reproduce problem on win32 or linu so far.
M18 and nsbeta3.
Keywords: nsbeta3
Target Milestone: M17 → M18
Keywords: correctness
Well, I just tried this out on a QA Mac machine with a mail message with an attached 250K Excel spreadsheet. It first gave me the choice to run or save the attachement and when I selected save, it gave me the file name alone (not the "Not Downloaded") part. Saved it as expected. - rhp
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Verified as worksforme. I was not able to reproduce problem using the build macos commercial seamonkey build 2000-092911-mn6 installed on G3/400
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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