Closed Bug 446434 Opened 17 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Post's author not always showing up on stage


(Websites Graveyard ::, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: alix, Assigned: paul)





(1 file, 6 obsolete files)

The author of a post is not always showing up on stage, or when it is, the username is not clickable by vanguard users to see their profile (unlike on production). Examples: - the affiliates program survey does not show the name of the user who posted: - this post by an admin user is not showing the author either: - this post by an authenticated user is showing the author but not clickable to see the user's profile
I can see that our work done on the spreadfirefox theme in relation to the avatars has been reversed on Also the avatar images @ /files/administrators/avatars that should be rendered for vanguard / admins are in SVN but are not seen on the stage server. Would somebody clarify the situation ? @ Alix Is it possible to request more powers (for a trial period) to handle the SVN management for ? I have had a great deal of experience with deploying and managing SVN repositories for Glaxstar and have a lot of experience with CVS on
@Paul: that's really not up to me but up to webdev or IT.
Priority: -- → P1
Please would you review that patch. @Jamey When you have the time would you create an avatar for jchea , thanks
Attachment #333633 - Flags: review?(buchanae)
Comment on attachment 333633 [details] [diff] [review] Renders all user names as links on nodes there are bigger things wrong with this function, so r-'ing for a more complete rewrite. author name not a link, alt attribute pretty useless, bad queries, $user not defined, etc
Attachment #333633 - Flags: review?(buchanae) → review-
Attachment #333633 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #334755 - Flags: review?(paul)
Thanks for making the improvements Alex .
The patch installs cleanly but i don't see any avatars against nodes and comments anymore for vanguard and sfx admins.
Assignee: nobody → paul
modifications to the previous patch to get it working plus a couple of minor changes
Attachment #334755 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #335035 - Flags: review?(buchanae)
Attachment #334755 - Flags: review?(paul)
Attachment #335035 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #335042 - Flags: review?(buchanae)
Attachment #335035 - Flags: review?(buchanae)
It may be better to show the original link of a user (when a user posts some content) instead of the "SFX admin" avatar while the promoted user is awaiting a new avatar . If the avatar is delayed in coming for whatever reason then in the meantime it will clear who made the post. Paul
Comment on attachment 335042 [details] [diff] [review] further modifications, removing some redundancy the fall back avatar would have the base path added twice.
Attachment #335042 - Flags: review?(buchanae) → review-
Attachment #335042 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #335063 - Flags: review?(paul)
The patch installs cleanly but ordinary authenticated users are all displaying the default "sfx team" avatar. Do you see the same Alex ?
we figured it was simpler just to check if an avatar image file exists for the user, rather than messing with a SQL query to check if they have the proper role, avatars aren't really tied to role after all
Attachment #335063 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #335433 - Flags: review?(paul)
Attachment #335063 - Flags: review?(paul)
crap, grabbed the wrong patch file, sorry
Attachment #335433 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #335436 - Flags: review?(paul)
Attachment #335433 - Flags: review?(paul)
Comment on attachment 335436 [details] [diff] [review] don't check user role, just check for avatar file r+ Great job Alex
Attachment #335436 - Flags: review?
Comment on attachment 335436 [details] [diff] [review] don't check user role, just check for avatar file R+'ing per comment 16 paul, when you r+ a patch, please go to the patch details and use the review flags to mark as r+, thanks!
Attachment #335436 - Flags: review?(paul)
Attachment #335436 - Flags: review?
Attachment #335436 - Flags: review+
committed to trunk in r17950
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Websites → Websites Graveyard
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