Closed Bug 454230 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Get disk:c1t6d0 in momo-thumper replaced


(Mozilla Messaging Graveyard :: Server Operations, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gozer, Assigned: phong)


It's been throwing some read errors, a bad sign of things to come. Gotta call Sun support to get a replacement drive.
E-Mailed my contact at sun: Karen.Yeung@Sun.COM
Replacement should be in the mail. Offlined the drive itself, as it's still throwing errors all over the place $> zpool offline zfs c1t6d0 Bringing device c1t6d0 offline $> zpool clear zfs $> zpool status | head -n10 pool: zfs state: DEGRADED status: One or more devices has been taken offline by the administrator. Sufficient replicas exist for the pool to continue functioning in a degraded state. action: Online the device using 'zpool online' or replace the device with 'zpool replace'. scrub: scrub completed with 0 errors on Mon Oct 6 09:20:51 2008 $> cfgadm | tee cfgadm.20081016.01 | grep c1t6d0 sata1/6::dsk/c1t6d0 disk connected configured ok $> cfgadm -c unconfigure sata1/6 Unconfigure the device at: /devices/pci@0,0/pci1022,7458@2/pci11ab,11ab@1:6 This operation will suspend activity on the SATA device Continue (yes/no)? y $> cfgadm | tee cfgadm.20081016.02 | grep sata1/6 sata1/6 disk connected unconfigured ok $> diff -u cfgadm.20081016.0* --- cfgadm.20081016.01 Fri Oct 17 12:42:10 2008 +++ cfgadm.20081016.02 Fri Oct 17 12:47:41 2008 @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ sata1/3::dsk/c1t3d0 disk connected configured ok sata1/4::dsk/c1t4d0 disk connected configured ok sata1/5::dsk/c1t5d0 disk connected configured ok -sata1/6::dsk/c1t6d0 disk connected configured ok +sata1/6 disk connected unconfigured ok sata1/7::dsk/c1t7d0 disk connected configured ok sata2/0::dsk/c4t0d0 disk connected configured ok sata2/1::dsk/c4t1d0
Drive off-line, service light on it should be lit. Docs says it's blue
Fedex reports the package has arrived. mrz, I'll assume you have recieved it ? In any case, installing it should be very simple, I hope. The drive replacement light should be lit next to the failed drive, and it's hot swappable.
Over to Phong.
Assignee: gozer → phong
I don't see any of the drives lit on the X4150.
I need longer power cables for this server to be able to slide out far enough to access the drives.
drive replaced.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
$> cfgadm -c configure sata1/6 $> cfgadm | grep sata1/6 sata1/6::dsk/c1t6d0 disk connected configured ok $> zpool replace zfs c1t6d0 c1t6d0
$> zpool status -x all pools are healthy
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