Closed Bug 454665 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Cannot display saved email content while open/save dialog box is open


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sivs422, Unassigned)


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1 Build Identifier: version (20080708) When in either the "Open Saved Message" or "Save as File" dialog box, I am unable to open saved emails stored on disk. Double-click opens new email window with "Mozilla Thunderbird" title, but email content does not display until dialog box is closed (cancel works fine). Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Have an email (e.g. something.eml) saved to disk. 2. Go to File -> "Open Saved Message..." 3. While "Open Message" dialog box open, double-click something.eml. ( Also occurs with Save Message as File ) Actual Results: Blank Thunderbird window opens. Text area and title bar remain blank and "Mozilla Thunderbird", respectively, until open/save dialog box closes, then content is displayed immediately. Expected Results: Should display content right away (especially since a new window opens with the express purpose of displaying the new message). T This is not a major functionality problem. However, in the event that an email saved to disk needs to be checked before saving the new file, this behavior is quite annoying. Canceling the Open / Save then loses track of navigating that had been done.
Version: unspecified → 2.0
WFM here on Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090704 Lightning/1.0pre Shredder/3.0b3pre ID:20090704031430 Reporter the issue still remain also with last release? You can try with beta?
Sorry for the delayed response. I was out of town for a short while. This issue still exists with my (I believe current) release. My Thunderbird is version, running under Windows XP. I've just tried with Shredder 3.0b3pre and the problem appears resolved. Earlier today I uncovered some new subtleties to the problem I originally reported (in version, which I'll recount below. They might clarify how exactly this problem was resolved. Let me know if you'd like any more information. Thanks! To reproduce in Thunderbird 1) Save an email message to disk somewhere (Desktop works well). 2) In the main Thunderbird window, select (from menu) File -> "Open Saved Message..." This will open a file selection dialog box entitled "Open Message." 3) While the "Open Message" box is open (i.e., a file has not yet been selected), double-click the message previously saved to the desktop. This will create a new email window entitled "Mozilla Thunderbird." All buttons will be displayed but none of the email content (header, recipient, sender, subject, message text, etc.) will appear. In addition, none of the Thunderbird buttons work at this time. The "window" buttons (Minimize, Maximize, Close, etc.) all seem to work as expected in this state. The Thunderbird menus (File, Edit, View, Go, Message, Tools, and Help) also seem to function. *** 4) Return to first "Open Message" dialog and click "Cancel." This will cause the double-clicked email to properly load in the new window. The window's title will change from "Mozilla Thunderbird" to the message subject, several buttons will gray out, and normal operation ensues. *** DISCOVERED TODAY: I explored the functionality of these menus and found some very interesting behavior that may help diagnose the issue: (A) "Help -> Release Notes" and "Help -> Mozilla Thunderbird Help" work as expected, creating a new tab in my Firefox browser window and displaying the Release Notes or Thunderbird Help. (B) "Help -> Check for Updates..." works mostly as expected... A new "Software Update" window opens, updates are checked (there were none), and I see the "No Updates Found" text. However, clicking "Finish" does not close the window. Going back to the very first "Open Message" dialog and clicking "Cancel" simultaneously causes the email content to display and allows the update checker to finish. (C) ***STRANGE*** "Help -> About Mozilla Thunderbird" works, displaying a new window with version information. It ALSO causes the message content to display in the previously-blank window! I'm not sure why this happens.
WFM per comment #2 Rob versions 2.x.x only receive security updates. as this does not occur in TB3 i will close it as WFM. Can you open three separate bugs for A, B and C ?
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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