Bug 458755
Opened 16 years ago
Closed 16 years ago
Automatically document classes using static analysis
(Developer Infrastructure :: Source Code Analysis, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: benjamin, Assigned: benjamin)
(1 file)
21.39 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
I've created a script which will automatically document the public API of a list of classes, and I've used it to document the string classes on MDC. I'd like to land it in the tree.
There are additional things to do, such as parsing and formatting doccomments more effectively, but it would be good to get this landed as-is, so that I can solicit feedback and contributions from others.
Attachment #341941 -
Flags: review?(tglek)
Comment 1•16 years ago
Comment on attachment 341941 [details] [diff] [review]
Document the public API of the string classes, rev. 1
>diff --git a/xpcom/analysis/ b/xpcom/analysis/
>new file mode 100644
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/xpcom/analysis/
>@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
>+#!/usr/bin/env python
>+Upload a file to MDC
>+Usage: python <file> <MDC-path>
>+Please set MDC_USER and MDC_PASSWORD in the environment
>+import os, sys, urllib, urllib2, deki
>+wikiuser = os.environ['MDC_USER']
>+wikipw = os.environ['MDC_PASSWORD']
>+(file, wikipath) = sys.argv[1:]
>+wiki = deki.Deki("", wikiuser, wikipw)
>+wiki.create_page(wikipath, open(file).read(), overwrite=True)
>diff --git a/xpcom/analysis/ b/xpcom/analysis/
>new file mode 100644
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/xpcom/analysis/
>@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
>+DEPTH = ../..
>+topsrcdir = @top_srcdir@
>+srcdir = @srcdir@
>+VPATH = @srcdir@
>+include $(DEPTH)/config/
>+ string \
>+ xpcom \
>+ $(NULL)
>+include $(topsrcdir)/config/
>+ nsAString_internal \
>+ nsACString_internal \
>+ nsString \
>+ nsCString \
>+ nsAutoString \
>+ nsCAutoString \
>+ nsXPIDLString \
>+ nsXPIDLCString \
>+ $(NULL)
>+COMMA = ,
>+classapi: DEHYDRA_MODULES = $(srcdir)/type-printer.js
>+classapi: DEHYDRA_ARGS += --dump-types=$(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(strip $(DUMP_CLASSES))) --rev=$(shell hg -R $(topsrcdir) id -i)
>+ $(CCC) $(OUTOPTION)/dev/null -c $(COMPILE_CXXFLAGS) $(srcdir)/type-printer.cpp
>+ for class in $(DUMP_CLASSES); do \
>+ $(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/ $(topsrcdir) < $${class}.html > $${class}-fixed.html; \
>+ done
>+ for class in $(DUMP_CLASSES); do \
>+ $(PYTHON) $(srcdir)/ $${class}-fixed.html en/$${class}; \
>+ done
>diff --git a/xpcom/analysis/ b/xpcom/analysis/
>new file mode 100644
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/xpcom/analysis/
>@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
>+""" - Access the wiki pages on a MindTouch Deki server via the API.
>+Here's what this code can do:
>+ wiki = deki.Deki("", username, password)
>+ page = wiki.get_page("Sheep")
>+ print page.title
>+ print page.doc.toxml()
>+ page.title = "Bananas"
>+There are also some additional methods:
>+ wiki.create_page(path, content, title=)
>+ wiki.move_page(old, new)
>+ wiki.get_subpages(page)
>+This module does not try to mimic the MindTouch "Plug" API. It's meant to be
>+higher-level than that.
>+import sys
>+import urllib2, cookielib
>+import xml.dom.minidom as dom
>+from urllib import quote as _urllib_quote
>+from urllib import urlencode as _urlencode
>+import urlparse
>+from datetime import datetime
>+import re
>+__all__ = ['Deki']
>+# === Utils
>+def _check(fact):
>+ if not fact:
>+ raise AssertionError('check failed')
>+def _urlquote(s, *args):
>+ return _urllib_quote(s.encode('utf-8'), *args)
>+def _make_url(*dirs, **params):
>+ """ dirs must already be url-encoded, params must not """
>+ url = '/'.join(dirs)
>+ if params:
>+ url += '?' + _urlencode(params)
>+ return url
>+# === Dream framework client code
>+# This handler causes python to "always be logged in" when it's talking to the
>+# server. If you're just accessing public pages, it generates more requests
>+# than are strictly needed, but this is the behavior you want for a bot.
>+# The users/authenticate request is sent twice: once without any basic auth and
>+# once with. Dumb. Feel free to fix.
>+class _LoginHandler(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor):
>+ def __init__(self, server):
>+ policy = cookielib.DefaultCookiePolicy(rfc2965=True)
>+ cookiejar = cookielib.CookieJar(policy)
>+ urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor.__init__(self, cookiejar)
>+ self.server = server
>+ def http_request(self, req):
>+ #print "DEBUG- Requesting " + req.get_full_url()
>+ s = self.server
>+ req = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor.http_request(self, req)
>+ if ('Cookie' not in req.unredirected_hdrs
>+ and req.get_full_url() != s.base + 'users/authenticate'):
>+ s.login()
>+ # Retry - should have a new cookie.
>+ req = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor.http_request(self, req)
>+ _check('Cookie' in req.unredirected_hdrs)
>+ return req
>+class DreamClient:
>+ def __init__(self, base, user, password):
>+ """
>+ base - The base URI of the Deki API, with trailing slash.
>+ Typically, ''.
>+ user, password - Your Deki login information.
>+ """
>+ self.base = base
>+ pm = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
>+ pm.add_password(None, self.base, user, password)
>+ ah = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(pm)
>+ lh = _LoginHandler(self)
>+ self._opener = urllib2.build_opener(ah, lh)
>+ def login(self):
>+ response = + 'users/authenticate')
>+ response.close()
>+ def open(self, url):
>+ return + url)
>+ def post(self, url, data, type):
>+ print "DEBUG- posting to:", self.base + url
>+ req = urllib2.Request(self.base + url, data, {'Content-Type': type})
>+ resp =
>+ try:
>+ ct = resp.headers.get('Content-Type', '(none)')
>+ if '/xml' in ct or '+xml' in ct:
>+ return dom.parse(resp)
>+ else:
>+ #print "DEBUG- Content-Type:", ct
>+ crud =
>+ #print 'DEBUG- crud:\n---\n%s\n---' % re.sub(r'(?m)^', ' ', crud)
>+ return None
>+ finally:
>+ resp.close()
>+ def get_xml(self, url):
>+ resp =
>+ try:
>+ return dom.parse(resp)
>+ finally:
>+ resp.close()
>+# === DOM
>+def _text_of(node):
>+ if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
>+ return u''.join(_text_of(n) for n in node.childNodes)
>+ elif node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
>+ return node.nodeValue
>+ else:
>+ return u''
>+def _the_element_by_name(doc, tagName):
>+ elts = doc.getElementsByTagName(tagName)
>+ if len(elts) != 1:
>+ raise ValueError("Expected exactly one <%s> tag, got %d." % (tagName, len(elts)))
>+ return elts[0]
>+def _first_element(node):
>+ n = node.firstChild
>+ while n is not None:
>+ if n.nodeType == n.ELEMENT_NODE:
>+ return n
>+ n = node.nextSibling
>+ return None
>+def _find_elements(node, path):
>+ if u'/' in path:
>+ [first, rest] = path.split(u'/', 1)
>+ for child in _find_elements(node, first):
>+ for desc in _find_elements(child, rest):
>+ yield desc
>+ else:
>+ for n in node.childNodes:
>+ if n.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and n.nodeName == path:
>+ yield n
>+# === Deki
>+def _format_page_id(id):
>+ if isinstance(id, int):
>+ return str(id)
>+ elif id is Deki.HOME:
>+ return 'home'
>+ elif isinstance(id, basestring):
>+ # Double-encoded, per the Deki API reference.
>+ return '=' + _urlquote(_urlquote(id, ''))
>+class Deki(DreamClient):
>+ HOME = object()
>+ def get_page(self, page_id):
>+ """ Get the content of a page from the wiki.
>+ The page_id argument must be one of:
>+ an int - The page id (an arbitrary number assigned by Deki)
>+ a str - The page name (not the title, the full path that shows up in the URL)
>+ Deki.HOME - Refers to the main page of the wiki.
>+ Returns a Page object.
>+ """
>+ p = Page(self)
>+ p._load(page_id)
>+ return p
>+ def create_page(self, path, content, title=None, overwrite=False):
>+ """ Create a new wiki page. Throw if the page already exists.
>+ Parameters:
>+ path - str - The page id.
>+ content - str - The XML content to put in the new page.
>+ The document element must be a <body>.
>+ title - str - The page title. Keyword argument only.
>+ Defaults to the last path-segment of path.
>+ """
>+ if title is None:
>+ title = path.split('/')[-1]
>+ doc = dom.parseString(content)
>+ _check(doc.documentElement.tagName == 'body')
>+ p = Page(self)
>+ p._create(path, title, doc, overwrite)
>+ def get_subpages(self, page_id):
>+ """ Return the ids of all subpages of the given page. """
>+ doc = self.get_xml(_make_url("pages", _format_page_id(page_id),
>+ "files,subpages"))
>+ for elt in _find_elements(doc, u'page/subpages/page.subpage/path'):
>+ yield _text_of(elt)
>+ def move_page(self, page_id, new_title, redirects=True):
>+ """ Move an existing page to a new location.
>+ A page cannot be moved to a destination that already exists, is a
>+ descendant, or has a protected title (ex. Special:xxx, User:,
>+ Template:).
>+ When a page is moved, subpages under the specified page are also moved.
>+ For each moved page, the system automatically creates an alias page
>+ that redirects from the old to the new destination.
>+ """
>+"pages", _format_page_id(page_id), "move",
>+ to=new_title,
>+ redirects=redirects and "1" or "0"),
>+ "", "text/plain")
>+class Page:
>+ """ A Deki wiki page.
>+ To obtain a page, call wiki.get_page(id).
>+ Attributes:
>+ title : unicode - The page title.
>+ doc : Document - The content of the page as a DOM Document.
>+ The root element of this document is a <body>.
>+ path : unicode - The path. Use this to detect redirects, as otherwise
>+ will overwrite the redirect with a copy of the content!
>+ deki : Deki - The Deki object from which the page was loaded.
>+ page_id : str/id/Deki.HOME - The page id used to load the page.
>+ load_time : datetime - The time the page was loaded,
>+ according to the clock on the client machine.
>+ Methods:
>+ save() - Save the modified document back to the server.
>+ Only the page.title and the contents of page.doc are saved.
>+ """
>+ def __init__(self, deki):
>+ self.deki = deki
>+ def _create(self, path, title, doc, overwrite):
>+ self.title = title
>+ self.doc = doc
>+ self.page_id = path
>+ if overwrite:
>+ self.load_time = datetime(2500, 1, 1)
>+ else:
>+ self.load_time = datetime(1900, 1, 1)
>+ self.path = path
>+ def _load(self, page_id):
>+ """ page_id - See comment near the definition of `HOME`. """
>+ load_time = datetime.utcnow()
>+ # Getting the title is a whole separate query!
>+ url = 'pages/%s/info' % _format_page_id(page_id)
>+ doc = self.deki.get_xml(url)
>+ title = _text_of(_the_element_by_name(doc, 'title'))
>+ path = _text_of(_the_element_by_name(doc, 'path'))
>+ # If you prefer to sling regexes, you can request format=raw instead.
>+ # The result is an XML document with one big fat text node in the body.
>+ url = _make_url('pages', _format_page_id(page_id), 'contents',
>+ format='xhtml', mode='edit')
>+ doc = self.deki.get_xml(url)
>+ content = doc.documentElement
>+ _check(content.tagName == u'content')
>+ body = _first_element(content)
>+ _check(body is not None)
>+ _check(body.tagName == u'body')
>+ doc.removeChild(content)
>+ doc.appendChild(body)
>+ self.page_id = page_id
>+ self.load_time = load_time
>+ self.title = title
>+ self.path = path
>+ self.doc = doc
>+ def save(self):
>+ p = {}
>+ if self.load_time is not None:
>+ p.update({'edittime': _urlquote(self.load_time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')),
>+ 'abort': 'modified'})
>+ if self.title is not None:
>+ p['title'] = _urlquote(self.title)
>+ url = _make_url('pages', _format_page_id(self.page_id), 'contents', **p)
>+ body = self.doc.documentElement
>+ bodyInnerXML = ''.join(n.toxml('utf-8') for n in body.childNodes)
>+ reply =, bodyInnerXML, 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')
>+ _check(reply.documentElement.nodeName == u'edit')
>+ _check(reply.documentElement.getAttribute(u'status') == u'success')
>diff --git a/xpcom/analysis/ b/xpcom/analysis/
>new file mode 100644
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/xpcom/analysis/
>@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
>+#!/usr/bin/env python
>+Fix references to source files of the form [LOCpath]
>+so that they are relative to a given source directory.
>+import os, sys, re
>+(srcdir, ) = sys.argv[1:]
>+srcdir = os.path.realpath(srcdir)
>+f = re.compile(r'\[LOC(.*?)\]')
>+def replacer(m):
>+ file =
>+ file = os.path.realpath(file)
>+ if not file.startswith(srcdir):
>+ raise Exception("File %s doesn't start with %s" % (file, srcdir))
>+ file = file[len(srcdir) + 1:]
>+ return file
>+for line in sys.stdin:
>+ line = f.sub(replacer, line)
>+ sys.stdout.write(line)
>diff --git a/xpcom/analysis/type-printer.cpp b/xpcom/analysis/type-printer.cpp
>new file mode 100644
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/xpcom/analysis/type-printer.cpp
>@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
>+#include "nsString.h"
>+/* do nothing else */
>diff --git a/xpcom/analysis/type-printer.js b/xpcom/analysis/type-printer.js
>new file mode 100644
>--- /dev/null
>+++ b/xpcom/analysis/type-printer.js
>@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
>+let dumpTypes = options['dump-types'].split(',');
>+function f(name) dumpTypes.some(function(n) n == name);
>+let typelist = {};
>+function addSubtype(t, subt)
>+ if (subt.typedef === undefined &&
>+ subt.kind === undefined)
>+ throw Error("Unexpected subtype: not class or typedef: " + subt);
>+ if (t.subtypes === undefined)
>+ t.subtypes = [];
>+ t.subtypes.push(subt);
>+function process_type(t)
>+ let name =;
>+ if (interestingType(
>+ typelist[] = t;
>+ if (t.memberOf)
>+ addSubtype(t.memberOf, t);
>+function process_decl(d)
>+ if (d.typedef !== undefined && d.memberOf)
>+ addSubtype(d.memberOf, d);
>+function publicBases(t)
>+ yield t;
>+ for each (let base in t.bases)
>+ if (base.access == "public")
>+ for each (let gbase in publicBases(base.type))
>+ yield gbase;
>+function publicMembers(t)
>+ for each (let base in publicBases(t)) {
>+ for each (let member in base.members) {
>+ if (member.access === undefined)
>+ throw Error("Harumph: member without access? " + member);
>+ if (member.access != "public")
>+ continue;
>+ yield member;
>+ }
>+ }
>+function signaturesMatch(m1, m2)
>+ let p1 = m1.type.parameters;
>+ let p2 = m2.type.parameters;
>+ if (p1.length != p2.length)
>+ return false;
>+ for (let i = 0; i < p1.length; ++i)
>+ if (p1[i] !== p2[i])
>+ return false;
>+ return true;
>+ * Get the short name of a decl name. E.g. turn
>+ * "MyNamespace::MyClass::Method(int j) const" into
>+ * "Method"
>+ */
>+function getShortName(decl)
>+ let name =;
>+ let lp = name.lastIndexOf('(');
>+ if (lp != -1)
>+ name = name.slice(0, lp);
>+ lp = name.lastIndexOf('::');
>+ if (lp != -1)
>+ name = name.slice(lp + 2);
>+ return name;
>+ * Remove functions in a base class which were overridden in a derived
>+ * class.
>+ *
>+ * Although really, we should perhaps do this the other way around, or even
>+ * group the two together, but that can come later.
>+ */
>+function removeOverrides(members)
>+ let overrideMap = {};
>+ for (let i = members.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
>+ let m = members[i];
>+ if (!m.isFunction)
>+ continue;
>+ let shortName = getShortName(m);
>+ let overrides = overrideMap[shortName];
>+ if (overrides === undefined) {
>+ overrideMap[shortName] = [m];
>+ continue;
>+ }
>+ let found = false;
>+ for each (let override in overrides) {
>+ if (signaturesMatch(override, m)) {
>+ // remove members[i], it was overridden
>+ members.splice(i, 1);
>+ found = true;
>+ }
>+ }
>+ if (found)
>+ continue;
>+ overrides.push(m);
>+ }
>+ * Generates the starting position of lines within a file.
>+ */
>+function getLineLocations(fdata)
>+ yield 0;
>+ let r = /\n/y;
>+ let pos = 0;
>+ let i = 1;
>+ for (;;) {
>+ pos = fdata.indexOf('\n', pos) + 1;
>+ if (pos == 0)
>+ break;
>+ yield pos;
>+ i++;
>+ }
>+ * Find and return the doxygen comment immediately prior to the location
>+ * object that was passed in.
>+ *
>+ * @todo: parse doccomment data such as @param, @returns
>+ * @todo: parse comments for markup
>+ */
>+function getDocComment(loc)
>+ let fdata = read_file(loc.file);
>+ let linemap = [l for (l in getLineLocations(fdata))];
>+ if (loc.line >= linemap.length) {
>+ warning("Location larger than actual header: " + loc);
>+ return <></>;
>+ }
>+ let endpos = linemap[loc.line - 1] + loc.column - 1;
>+ let semipos = fdata.lastIndexOf(';', endpos);
>+ let bracepos = fdata.lastIndexOf('}', endpos);
>+ let searchslice = fdata.slice(Math.max(semipos, bracepos) + 1, endpos);
>+ let m = searchslice.match(/\/\*\*[\s\S]*?\*\//gm);
>+ if (m === null)
>+ return <></>;
>+ let dc = m[m.length - 1].slice(3, -2);
>+ dc = dc.replace(/^\s*(\*+[ \t]*)?/gm, "");
>+ return <pre class="doccomment">{dc}</pre>;
>+function typeName(t)
>+ if ( !== undefined)
>+ return;
>+ if (t.isPointer)
>+ return "%s%s*".format(t.isConst ? "const " : "", typeName(t.type));
>+ if (t.isReference)
>+ return "%s%s&".format(t.isConst ? "const " : "", typeName(t.type));
>+ return t.toString();
>+function publicBaseList(t)
>+ let l = <ul/>;
>+ for each (let b in t.bases) {
>+ if (b.access == 'public')
>+ l.* += <li><a href={"/en/%s".format(}>{}</a></li>;
>+ }
>+ if (l.*.length() == 0)
>+ return <></>;
>+ return <>
>+ <h2>Base Classes</h2>
>+ {l}
>+ </>;
>+ * Get a source-link for a given location.
>+ */
>+function getLocLink(loc, text)
>+ return <a class="loc"
>+ href={"[LOC%s]#l%i".format(options.rev, loc.file, loc.line)}>{text}</a>;
>+function dumpType(t)
>+ let methodOverview = <tbody />;
>+ let methodList = <div/>;
>+ let memberList = <></>;
>+ let shortNameMap = {};
>+ let members = [m for (m in publicMembers(t))];
>+ removeOverrides(members);
>+ for each (let m in members) {
>+ let qname = + '::';
>+ // we don't inherit constructors from base classes
>+ if (m.isConstructor && m.memberOf !== t)
>+ continue;
>+ if ( != 0)
>+ throw Error("Member name not qualified?");
>+ let name =;
>+ if (name.indexOf('~') == 0)
>+ continue;
>+ if (m.isFunction) {
>+ let innerList;
>+ let shortName = getShortName(m);
>+ if (m.isConstructor)
>+ shortName = 'Constructors';
>+ if (shortNameMap.hasOwnProperty(shortName)) {
>+ innerList = shortNameMap[shortName];
>+ }
>+ else {
>+ let overview =
>+ <tr><td>
>+ <a href={'#%s'.format(escape(shortName))}>{shortName}</a>
>+ </td></tr>;
>+ if (m.isConstructor)
>+ methodOverview.insertChildAfter(null, overview);
>+ else
>+ methodOverview.appendChild(overview);
>+ let shortMarkup =
>+ <div>
>+ <h3 id={shortName}>{shortName}</h3>
>+ <dl/>
>+ </div>;
>+ if (m.isConstructor)
>+ methodList.insertChildAfter(null, shortMarkup);
>+ else
>+ methodList.appendChild(shortMarkup);
>+ innerList = shortMarkup.dl;
>+ shortNameMap[shortName] = innerList;
>+ }
>+ let parameters = <ul/>;
>+ for each (p in m.parameters) {
>+ let name =;
>+ if (name == 'this')
>+ continue;
>+ if (/^D_\d+$/.test(name))
>+ name = '<anonymous>';
>+ parameters.* += <li>{typeName(p.type)} {name}</li>;
>+ }
>+ innerList.* +=
>+ <>
>+ <dt id={name} class="methodName">
>+ <code>{typeName(m.type.type)} {name}</code> - {getLocLink(m.loc, "source")}
>+ </dt>
>+ <dd>
>+ {getDocComment(m.loc)}
>+ {parameters.*.length() > 0 ?
>+ <>
>+ <h4>Parameters</h4>
>+ {parameters}
>+ </> : <></>}
>+ </dd>
>+ </>;
>+ }
>+ else {
>+ memberList += <li class="member">{name}</li>;
>+ }
>+ }
>+ let r =
>+ <body>
>+ <p>{getLocLink(t.loc, "Class Declaration")}</p>
>+ {getDocComment(t.loc)}
>+ {methodOverview.*.length() > 0 ?
>+ <>
>+ <h2>Method Overview</h2>
>+ <table class="standard-table">{methodOverview}</table>
>+ </> :
>+ ""
>+ }
>+ {publicBaseList(t)}
>+ <h2>Data Members</h2>
>+ {memberList.*.length() > 0 ?
>+ memberList :
>+ <p><em>No public members.</em></p>
>+ }
>+ <h2>Methods</h2>
>+ {methodList.*.length() > 0 ?
>+ methodList :
>+ <p><em>No public methods.</em></p>
>+ }
>+ </body>;
>+ write_file( + ".html", r.toXMLString());
>+function input_end()
>+ for (let p in typelist)
>+ dumpType(typelist[p]);
Attachment #341941 -
Flags: review?(tglek) → review+
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•16 years ago
Pushed to mozilla-central. Yay.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Updated•7 years ago
Product: Core → Firefox Build System
Updated•2 years ago
Product: Firefox Build System → Developer Infrastructure
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