Bug 4670
Opened 26 years ago
Closed 26 years ago
#ifdef BRPROF and CHROME dependencies from netlib
(SeaMonkey :: Build Config, defect, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: waterson, Assigned: waterson)
(1 file)
438 bytes,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
Right now,
nmake -fclient.mak pull_layout
nmake -fclient.mak build_layout
is hosed because of dependencies that hyatt and I added from netlib into RDF.
We need to #ifdef this. Karnaze is mad as hell and he's not going to take it
any more.
Assignee | ||
Updated•26 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 1•26 years ago
Okay, BUILD_DIST is what's broken. Here's how I suggest we fix it for now
(because nobody ever really builds DIST by itself):
Index: client.mak
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/client.mak,v
retrieving revision 3.43
diff -c -r3.43 client.mak
*** client.mak 1999/04/05 22:18:34 3.43
--- client.mak 1999/04/07 22:34:52
*** 137,154 ****
@cd $(MOZ_SRC)\mozilla\.
nmake -f all
! build_dist:
! @cd $(MOZ_SRC)\mozilla\.
! set DIST_DIRS=1
! nmake -f all
! clobber_dist:
! @cd $(MOZ_SRC)\mozilla\.
! rd /s /q dist
! set DIST_DIRS=1
nmake -f clobber_all
--- 137,155 ----
@cd $(MOZ_SRC)\mozilla\.
+ set DIST_DIRS=1
nmake -f all
! #build_dist:
! # @cd $(MOZ_SRC)\mozilla\.
! # set DIST_DIRS=1
! # nmake -f all
! #clobber_dist:
! # @cd $(MOZ_SRC)\mozilla\.
! # rd /s /q dist
! # set DIST_DIRS=1
nmake -f clobber_all
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•26 years ago
Doh! There's more to it than that...
It looks like a bunch of modal dialog stuff that landed last night _also_
depends on the outside world (appshell, no less). So this is really starting to
be screwed up. Fixing this quickly is beyond my humble means.
Comment 3•26 years ago
I'm presuming that the chrome: URL stuff can move out of netlib when the new
netlib comes around. I implemented javascript: URLs outside netlib using a poor
man's pluggable protocol hack, but that code is broken now, so I don't know if
it's the right way to do it anymore.
We need to discuss the modal dialog issue. This just ain't right.
Actually, the modal dialog stuff I checked in last night does _not_
necessarily depend on appshell, or anything else outside. I deliberately
did not wire up the UI portion pending conversations with UI-saavy
Yes, discussion is in order, but what I left un-implemented is the
very thing that needs further discussion.
Assignee | ||
Comment 5•26 years ago
Spence: you did introduce a build-time dependency on _header files_ that are
only exported if you build in the client dirs (even though you never actually
do the instantiation at runtime).
That's the problem that people are seeing.
What dependency is it that's screwing up people? I was trying to be
particularly careful about that ...
Let me know, and I'll fix it.
Assignee | ||
Comment 7•26 years ago
The (modal dialog) dependency is in mozilla/network/module/nsStubContext.cpp,
#including nsAppShellCIDs.h.
nsStubContext.cpp ... ahh, I meant to clean that up. You'll notice
that particular file is quite a mess. It's the ugly glue for the
The could that _would_ have depended on that is actually ifdef'd
out right now; the include of nsAppShellCIDs.h is superfluous.
There is real nastiness to figure out in wiring things up though ...
Assignee | ||
Comment 9•26 years ago
Sheesh. Has this _ever_ worked?
Spence gave me a fix for the modal dialog bustage.
Now I'm broken in forms with wallet stuff (nsFormFrame.cpp:
"nsIWalletService.h, no such file or directory").
As much as I'd like to help, it looks like there are a _lot_ of
unfortunate dependencies from core raptor to client. I am really not feeling
like I want to be the guy that fixes them all.
Especially if raptor standalone is not going to be tinderboxed.
Comment 10•26 years ago
Something doesn't sound right. If you are building layout, then there shouldn't
be any dependency from core raptor to wallet stuff. Yes, there is an include of
nsIWalletService.h in nsFormFrame.cpp but that is ifdefed by ClientWallet and/or
SingleSignon. And neither of these should be turned on for the raptor-only
build; they are on for the full browser build and then there is a dependency
which we know is bad and plan on removing as soon as Karnaze comes up with an
appropriate api for wallet to use.
To see where ClientWalled/SingleSignon is disabled in the raptor-only build,
look for MOZ_NO_WALLET_HACK in client.mak and in config.mak.
Assignee | ||
Updated•26 years ago
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee | ||
Comment 11•26 years ago
Okay, this was bogus. Turns out raptor pulls and builds all this stuff anyway.
Or maybe it was valid and I fixed client.mak. I can't remember. Anyway, marking
as fixed, 'cause nobody has complained for a while.
Comment 12•26 years ago
It's still a hassle. I can't build just Raptor by doing a nmake -f
client.mak build_dist build_layout. In either case, the dependency still needs
to be removed and, presumably, will be some time after the new netlib comes
around, right?
Assignee | ||
Comment 13•26 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 14•26 years ago
cyeh, vidur: see the above diffs. would this be an acceptable way to fix the
problem until N2 happens? Basically, instead of doing
nmake -fclient.mak build_dist build_layout
(which attempts to do a export/libs/install phase thru the dist dirs, and then
an export/libs/install phase through the layout dirs), you'd just type:
nmake -fclient.mak build_layout
(which does export/libs/install through the union of the dirs).
Recall the problem is that netlib (which is built in the "dist" phase) is
depending on a header file in RDF (which is exported from "layout" phase).
Comment 15•26 years ago
this seems like the least of all evils. probably should send an e-mail message
to and let them know about the build procedure changes.
Updated•20 years ago
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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