Closed Bug 46923 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Seemlingly random crashes when Ian does QA


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P5)

Windows 2000


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ian, Assigned: ian)



(Keywords: crash, meta)

I am getting seemlingly random crashes using commercial build on Windows 2000. (M17/nsbeta2 branch) I have filed talkback reports: TB14965111Z loaded NS6 and it went to a local file:// uri which is set [...] TB14965110G I loaded Netscape 6, which went to a file:// page which is [...] TB14964995W While happily browsing with NS6, I clicked on a link to [...] TB14964697Y Browsing again, edited the Location field, hit enter, CRASH. TB14964696E Loaded Netscape6. [...] TB14959961Q Load Netscape. [...] TB14959922X Load Netscape. [...] TB14959808Y Started Netscape6. [...] TB14959711M Start Mozilla [...] Some of these are crashes on startup (see bug 43029, bug 39266 and bug 45358). Others are crashes while going to a page, but those pages sometimes display without any problems. Others are crashes after hitting the back button. These crashes are blocking my nsbeta2 QA work.
TB14965641Q Hitting the back button to go from one local file to [...]
Thanks David! Ok, this bug is actually three other bugs, two of which are already filed. They are bug 46269 (CStartToken::IsEmpty) and bug 45358 (crash on startup on Windows 2000; nsPipe::nsPipeOutputStream::WriteSegments). Marking dependencies. There is also a third crasher, visible in 14964696 and 14959922, with the following stack traces: Call Stack: (Signature = 0x015314e7 97435f78) 0x015314e7 ns_observer_proc [gfx\src\nsImageRequest.cpp, line 135] XP_NotifyObservers [modules\libutil\src\obs.c, line 260] il_dimensions_notify [modules\libimg\src\if.cpp, line 270] ImgDCallbk::ImgDCBHaveHdr [modules\libimg\src\if.cpp, line 108] il_size [modules\libimg\src\if.cpp, line 777] ImgDCallbk::ImgDCBImageSize [modules\libimg\src\if.cpp, line 181] il_gif_write [modules\libimg\gifcom\gif.cpp, line 1352] GIFDecoder::ImgDWrite [modules\libimg\gifcom\nsGIFDecoder.cpp, line 104] IL_StreamWrite [modules\libimg\src\if.cpp, line 1004] (crash on Call Stack: (Signature = 0x015314e7 97435f78) 0x015314e7 ns_observer_proc [gfx\src\nsImageRequest.cpp, line 135] XP_NotifyObservers [modules\libutil\src\obs.c, line 260] il_dimensions_notify [modules\libimg\src\if.cpp, line 270] ImgDCallbk::ImgDCBHaveHdr [modules\libimg\src\if.cpp, line 108] il_size [modules\libimg\src\if.cpp, line 777] ImgDCallbk::ImgDCBImageSize [modules\libimg\src\if.cpp, line 181] il_gif_write [modules\libimg\gifcom\gif.cpp, line 1352] GIFDecoder::ImgDWrite [modules\libimg\gifcom\nsGIFDecoder.cpp, line 104] IL_StreamWrite [mozilla\modules\libimg\src\if.cpp, line 1004] (crash on I have not been able to reproduce them. If I do, I'll file a bug.
Assignee: asa → py8ieh=bugzilla
Depends on: 45358, 46269
Keywords: dogfood, nsbeta2, regressionmeta
Summary: Seemlingly random crashes on Windows 2000 → Seemlingly random crashes when Ian does QA
Priority: P3 → P5
have you seen these on m18 nightlies?
The only remaining transient problems I have are on exit. Leaving open for now.
Severity: blocker → critical
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Still need to stay open?
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
No. Makes my life more fun I guess.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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