Closed Bug 471874 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Inconsistant PrivateBrowsing page


(Firefox :: Private Browsing, defect)

Windows Vista
Not set





(Reporter: jmjjeffery, Unassigned)


(Keywords: polish)

Tools->Start Private Browsing shows a different page than if you enter: about:privatebrowsing from the URL bar.
Image from Tools->Start Private Browsing Image from about:privatebrowsing
I think this is by design.
Yes, this is by design. The idea is to make about:pb useful when outside private browsing. So, if you're not in private browsing mode, about:pb shows that and offers you ways to enter this mode, otherwise it shows that you're inside the private browsing mode, and offers you info which is useful in that case.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Ehsan, I was reading back over a thread on mozillazine where Jim mentioned him filing this bug and he said about the inconsistent images on about:pb pages...he didn't mention that in this report but maybe he meant to. One page has the mask and the other the generic warning icon. Shouldn't both have the mask?
I just checked the latest trunk on Windows Vista and I see what Jim sees in Comment 0if I type about:privatebrowsing in regular mode I believe you should see the generic icon to show you are not yet in the mode but Ehsan can correct me if I am wrong.
In fact, points to why the icons are different.
Sorry for the Bug-spam but in image: There is a URL to CRH (Clear Recent History) - shouldn't there be a 'styled' button ?
Forgot to add, or should the URL be there at all ? Seems that having two places to CRH is not really needed. I certainly would not go into about:PB to clear CRH
(In reply to comment #8) > Sorry for the Bug-spam but in image: > > > There is a URL to CRH (Clear Recent History) - shouldn't there be a 'styled' > button ? Originally it was a button, but it was drawing too much attention on the about:pb page, so we converted it to a link. (In reply to comment #9) > Forgot to add, or should the URL be there at all ? Seems that having two > places to CRH is not really needed. I certainly would not go into about:PB to > clear CRH This page is shown when the PB mode is activated. The idea is that if users have been visiting sites which they want to keep private without entering the PB mode (for example, having forgotten to enter the PB mode), we should give them a reminder to tell them that they can clear their recent history.
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