Closed Bug 499648 Opened 16 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Assertion failure: proxyObject != NULL at jssutil.c


(JSS Graveyard :: Library, defect)

Windows Server 2003
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: slavomir.katuscak+mozilla, Unassigned)



Build: goride MINGW32_NT-5.2 32bit DBG on 2009/06/20 20:06:08 (Tinderbox) Log: ============= SSL Ciphersuite JSS Server and JSS client both with Bypass Off sh.exe ./ /export/tinderlight/data/goride_32_DBG/mozilla/dist/WINNT5.2_DBG.OBJ/../xpclass_dbg.jar /export/tinderlight/data/goride_32_DBG/mozilla/tests_results/jss/GORIDE.1 localhost 8141 bypassoff /c/Progra~1/Java/jdk1.6.0_01/jre/bin/java.exe /c/Progra~1/Java/jdk1.6.0_01/jre/bin/java.exe -classpath /export/tinderlight/data/goride_32_DBG/mozilla/dist/WINNT5.2_DBG.OBJ/../xpclass_dbg.jar org.mozilla.jss.tests.JSS_SelfServServer /export/tinderlight/data/goride_32_DBG/mozilla/tests_results/jss/GORIDE.1 passwords localhost false 8141 bypassoff verboseoff & main: jss library loaded ***FilePasswordCallback returns m1oZilla JSS_SelfServServ localhost ready to accept connections on 8141 SSL Server is envoked using port 8141 /c/Progra~1/Java/jdk1.6.0_01/jre/bin/java.exe -cp /export/tinderlight/data/goride_32_DBG/mozilla/dist/WINNT5.2_DBG.OBJ/../xpclass_dbg.jar org.mozilla.jss.tests.JSS_SelfServClient 2 -1 /export/tinderlight/data/goride_32_DBG/mozilla/tests_results/jss/GORIDE.1 passwords localhost 8141 bypassOff verboseoff JSS Number of Threads to create: 2 Client connecting to server: localhost:8141 main: jss library loaded ***FilePasswordCallback returns m1oZilla Testing Connection:localhost:8141 65 SSLSockets created. Each created SSLSocket is reading/writing to the SSLServer. 0[ae48e18]: Assertion failure: proxyObject != NULL, at C:/mozilla-build/msys/export/tinderlight/data/goride_32_DBG/mozilla/security/jss/org/mozilla/jss/util/jssutil.c:329 Waiting till all threads are dead ActiveCount12 ActiveCount11 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 ActiveCount1 JSSTEST_CASE 22 (SSL Ciphersuite JSS Server and JSS client both with Bypass Off): FAILED return value 3 It's possible that this bug is a duplicate of other similar looking bug, but this is first (and for now only one) time that it is reported as assertion failure.
Very similar failure was seen also without assertion failure message: Testing Connection:localhost:2890 23 SSLSockets created. Each created SSLSocket is reading/writing to the SSLServer. Waiting till all threads are dead ActiveCount18 ActiveCount11 ActiveCount8 JSSTEST_CASE 26 (SSL Ciphersuite JSSE Server using default provider and JSS client with Bypass Off): FAILED return value 3
Glen, where this return value 3 come from ? I suspect that this bug could be consequence of NSS bug 489188, where return value in many cases is also 3: #4271: Stress TLS ECDH-ECDSA AES 128 CBC with SHA (no reuse) produced a returncode of 3, expected is 0. - FAILED I'm not sure, but I think these (and similar) failures began to appear at +- the same time and this NSS bug is most frequent failure I currently see in our nightly NSS tests (this and very similar JSS failures are most frequent in JSS tests).
Assignee: gbmozilla → nobody
JSS development has moved from the Mozilla community to the Dogtag PKI community. Please re-file this bug at if it is still relevant. Thank you!
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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