Closed Bug 501520 Opened 16 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Install OS on non-SSE2/PPC machines


(Release Engineering :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jhford, Assigned: jhford)



(Whiteboard: Needed by 09/25/2009)

We have 6 computers which need to have an OS installed, 2 for OSX, 2 for XP and 2 for Ubuntu 9.04. They are in the server room at 650, some in a rack and some on the floor. I have labelled them with the OS that they need to have installed.
Blocks: 501526
Assignee: server-ops → reed
Sean, can you handle XP and OS X? I'll handle the Linux machines.
Assignee: reed → sean
Severity: normal → enhancement
This is blocking 1.9.2 release. If the labels of which machines need which os aren't there anymore i can redo them.
Severity: enhancement → normal
Whiteboard: Needed by 09/25/2009
Assignee: sean → jford
Component: Server Operations → MozillaBuild
QA Contact: mrz → mozillabuild
Component: MozillaBuild → Server Operations
QA Contact: mozillabuild → mrz
All OSs other than one Linux are installed. One of the PowerMac G4 dual-1Ghz machines was kernel panicking a lot, so I am going to write it off as dead. I have replaced it with the 1.42Ghz Mac Mini. In the end we are going to have XP SP2, Ubuntu 9.04 and Leopard machines. Hopefully 2 of each.
Assignee: jford → nobody
Component: Server Operations → Release Engineering
QA Contact: mrz → release
i need to evaluate the two mac dual 1-Ghz machines to see if they are going to work, alternatively we could have them as spares. The single 1.4Ghz mini is leaps and bounds faster than the windows and linux machines, we might be able to get by on just the mini.
Looks like you're working on this, John.
Assignee: nobody → jford
the machines have their os, they now need automation.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Release Engineering
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