Closed Bug 502721 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago



(Cloud Services :: General, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: murali, Unassigned)


I file a bug here for multiple issues. ISSUE 1. Why Weave insists on being case sensitive for login name? Is it any thing to do with openID ? Please fix it. All major email providers accommodate case insensitivity for login name and maintain case sensitivity for password only. ISSUE 2. On computer A I downloaded weave and created an account with login 'Foo.Bar' On computer B also I downloaded weave and clicked associate this computer with weave and when I do that I get a license to accept. After that in step 1 of 3 if I enter my login as '' [ observe the all lower case here ], password and passphrase I get connection error. [ Naturally as I mentioned in the ISSUE 1, you are case sensitive for login as well ] Weave shows 'idle' state. I click SignIn again. Now, I should not be presented with the license agreement again ... since I already accepted it once. It comes again. That ain't right. When you are issuing the license agreement the second time, then you should not pre-cache and present the earlier unsuccessful attempt's login/passwd/passphrase values. This you do. That ain't right. When you are presenting them, then it should be sufficient to change only the incorrect value in order for the 'Next' button to get activated [ to go to next step ]. The Next step is grayed out till you re enter the 3 values again properly. There is an inconsistent user experience here. That ain't right.
The UI has undergone some major changes, so most of this shouldn't be valid anymore. I am going to close this bug as invalid. Can you reopen if you still see issues with the 1.0b1 client?
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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