Bug 515799
Opened 15 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
reading freed memory in nsViewManager::ViewToWidget
(Core :: Web Painting, defect)
of bug 528025
(Reporter: jseward, Assigned: vlad)
(Whiteboard: [sg:critical?] use-after-free)
The following read-after-free error was found when running
mochitests-plain through Valgrind's Memcheck tool. It appeared
in between these two messages:
703 INFO Running /tests/browser/base/content/test/test_bug364677.html...
LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/local/lib/flashplayer10/libflashpla [/usr/local/lib/flashplayer10/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32]
704 INFO TEST-PASS | /tests/browser/base/content/test/test_bug364677.html | Feed served
as text/xml without a channel/link should have been sniffed
This is with mozilla-central of about 24 hours ago, r32351,
release build, flags -g -O, on 64-bit Linux.
The actual complaint occurred only once, and is this:
Invalid read of size 4
at 0x598FBC6: nsViewManager::ViewToWidget(nsView*, nsView*, nsRect const&)
const (nsIDeviceContext.h:284)
by 0x59909B3: nsViewManager::UpdateWidgetArea(nsView*, nsIWidget*, nsRegion
const&, nsView*) (nsViewManager.cpp:784)
by 0x5990B6A: nsViewManager::UpdateView(nsIView*, nsRect const&, unsigned i
nt) (nsViewManager.cpp:815)
by 0x598D8F0: nsViewManager::UpdateView(nsIView*, unsigned int) (nsViewMana
by 0x598F085: nsViewManager::RemoveChild(nsIView*) (nsViewManager.cpp:1393)
by 0x598A748: nsView::~nsView() (nsView.cpp:224)
by 0x598979E: nsIView::Destroy() (nsView.cpp:294)
by 0x598F3E2: nsViewManager::~nsViewManager() (nsViewManager.cpp:180)
by 0x598D7DC: nsViewManager::Release() (nsViewManager.cpp:226)
by 0x5EB3F33: nsCOMPtr_base::~nsCOMPtr_base() (nsCOMPtr.cpp:81)
by 0x569D076: DocumentViewerImpl::~DocumentViewerImpl() (nsCOMPtr.h:469)
by 0x56964A8: DocumentViewerImpl::Release() (nsDocumentViewer.cpp:567)
Address 0x2063bb48 is 8 bytes inside a block of size 128 free'd
at 0x4C23A9E: operator delete(void*) (vg_replace_malloc.c:346)
by 0x5E1B457: nsThebesDeviceContext::~nsThebesDeviceContext() (nsThebesDevi
by 0x5E19EBE: nsThebesDeviceContext::Release() (nsThebesDeviceContext.cpp:2
by 0x56AE019: nsPresContext::~nsPresContext() (nsPresContext.cpp:306)
by 0x56ABA8D: nsPresContext::Release() (nsPresContext.cpp:319)
by 0x5EB4010: nsCOMPtr_base::assign_with_AddRef(nsISupports*) (nsCOMPtr.h:4
by 0x569CF07: DocumentViewerImpl::Destroy() (nsCOMPtr.h:640)
by 0x569C066: DocumentViewerImpl::Show() (nsDocumentViewer.cpp:1879)
by 0x56AA98F: nsPresContext::EnsureVisible() (nsPresContext.cpp:1584)
by 0x56B15ED: PresShell::UnsuppressAndInvalidate() (nsPresShell.cpp:4502)
by 0x56B1707: PresShell::UnsuppressPainting() (nsPresShell.cpp:4544)
by 0x56AF12D: PresShell::sPaintSuppressionCallback(nsITimer*, void*) (nsPre
Reporter | ||
Comment 1•15 years ago
I forgot to add this: out of three apparently identical mochitest
runs, I only picked this up twice. So I'm wondering if it might
involve some timing dependency (a race). Not saying it does, just
that it might do.
Comment 2•15 years ago
jst: this might be related to the flash thing you're chasing?
Assignee | ||
Comment 3•15 years ago
I don't think the flash message is related here; I think that's just a "couldn't load flash .so" message.
In my quick look at this, ViewToWidget is calling AppUnitsPerDevPixel() which returns mAppUnitsPerDevPixel from the device context. mContext is set to null in nsViewManager::~nsViewManager, but at the end of the function; Destory on the root view is called first.
.. though now that I look, I see that nsViewManager doesn't hold a strong ref to the device context, so when DocumentViewerImpl::Destroy() is called, it destroys mDeviceContext (sets to nsnull), but mViewManager is still alive.. and it still has that same pointer. So yeah, there's a bug there.
Updated•15 years ago
Whiteboard: [sg:critical?] use-after-free
Assignee | ||
Comment 4•15 years ago
roc, is my analysis above correct? And if so, what's a good fix? Just change the bare pointer to a nsCOMPtr?
Assignee | ||
Comment 5•15 years ago
Ah ha, this was already fixed in bug 528025.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Assignee | ||
Comment 6•15 years ago
I don't know whether we need to advisory this or not -- the original bare nsIDeviceContext* pointer comes all the way from CVS, but I don't know if it it just became a problem recently or whether it's been here all along.
Updated•13 years ago
Group: core-security
Updated•6 years ago
Component: Layout: View Rendering → Layout: Web Painting
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