Closed Bug 519820 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Grant fligtar and clouserw access to edit product


( :: Administration, task)

Not set





(Reporter: clouserw, Assigned: reed)


Please give me permissions to create components and milestones for the product.
Generally, we don't really give that type of access out... We'd prefer if you would just continue to file bugs in this component for changes you need. Is there some reason you feel the current method isn't sufficient? I'd say most bugs are fixed within 24 hours or less, so there's not much wait time.
It's inconvenient and unnecessary. Why introduce any additional wait into a simple process?
I actually just gave fligtar these permissions (he sent me email yesterday) because I don't have time to respond to all of these requests, so this should not be needed.
We should be able to give the lead engineer on the ability to create his own milestones. I don't see a problem with giving Wil access to do that -- especially if fligtar has it, since fligtar will tease him.
I would prefer only one person from AMO take the lead on this. As Reed mentioned, we don't normally do this since we can't give specific permissions to an area and we are making an exception. (In reply to comment #4) > We should be able to give the lead engineer on the ability > to create his own milestones. I don't see a problem with giving Wil access to > do that -- especially if fligtar has it, since fligtar will tease him.
When I was investigating this a few months ago on my test bugzilla installation, I was able to create a group and give it editcomponents permission to a specific product. Can we not create a group and do that here for the AMO product?
(In reply to comment #2) > It's inconvenient and unnecessary. Why introduce any additional wait into a > simple process? Because we strive for conformity across Bugzilla, which has been successfully maintained for a decade by a small group of people handling all such requests. This is highly irregular, and we've denied many such requests for this type of access request, but if Marcia doesn't think she has time to continue handling these issues, then maybe we should try to figure something else out for users of products that have high amounts of change requests. fligtar is right in that we can create a group that has access to edit a product. We've had this functionality since early 2007 (Bugzilla 3.0), but we made a choice not to use it due to the process we already had in place that was pretty efficient (resolving most issues within 24 hours or less). However, if Marcia really doesn't think she has time to continue handling requests, it may be time to revisit this past decision. So, let's try this and see how it works. If it works ok, we may extend this to maintainers of other products who have requested this functionality in the past. If it doesn't, we'll revert back to the current method. I've created a new "amo-drivers" group in which I've placed fligtar and clouserw. This new group has been granted permission to edit the product. Until you both get the hang of things, please file bugs on changes you make and just assign them to yourself as you fix them. This will allow us to help QA changes you make and make sure things are going well for you. Note that even though this permission bit gives you access to create new components under, you should _not_ do so, as you can't create the needed QA contact to go with it (just not possible without editusers bit, which we don't give out at all). If you need a new component, please file a bug to have it created. Hope this works for you both.
Assignee: marcia → reed
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Summary: Give clouserw more permissions → Grant fligtar and clouserw access to edit product
verified group amo-drivers has editcomponents for and fligtar and clouserw were added to it. please do file bugs indicating what you're changing. bugzilla doesn't have a public record for such changes and we strive to encourage transparency and enable people to answer questions like "why didn't someone put something into the X bucket?" based on information "Oh, that bucket didn't exist then". FWIW, I'm typically much faster at QA for this component, but I was on my summer vacation and am slowly digging out from it.
Component: Bugzilla: Keywords & Components → Administration
Product: →
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