Closed Bug 525167 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Failure in xpcshell\tests\test_storage\unit\test_storage_fulltextindex.js | test failed (with xpcshell return code: 1)


(Core :: SQLite and Embedded Database Bindings, defect)

Windows NT
Not set





(Reporter: dholbert, Unassigned)

WINNT 5.2 mozilla-central test opt everythingelse on 2009/10/28 19:25:08
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | e:\builds\moz2_slave\mozilla-central-win32-opt-unittest-everythingelse\build\xpcshell\tests\test_storage\unit\test_storage_fulltextindex.js | test failed (with xpcshell return code: 1), see following log:
  *** Storage Tests: Trying to close!
*** Storage Tests: Trying to remove file!
TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test 1 pending
*** Storage Tests: Trying to close!
*** Storage Tests: Trying to remove file!
TEST-PASS | e:/builds/moz2_slave/mozilla-central-win32-opt-unittest-everythingelse/build/xpcshell/tests/test_storage/unit/test_storage_fulltextindex.js | [test_table_creation : 50] true == true
TEST-PASS | e:/builds/moz2_slave/mozilla-central-win32-opt-unittest-everythingelse/build/xpcshell/tests/test_storage/unit/test_storage_fulltextindex.js | [test_insertion : 69] 4 == 4
TEST-PASS | e:/builds/moz2_slave/mozilla-central-win32-opt-unittest-everythingelse/build/xpcshell/tests/test_storage/unit/test_storage_fulltextindex.js | [test_selection : 82] true == true
TEST-PASS | e:/builds/moz2_slave/mozilla-central-win32-opt-unittest-everythingelse/build/xpcshell/tests/test_storage/unit/test_storage_fulltextindex.js | [test_selection : 83] 3 == 3
TEST-PASS | e:/builds/moz2_slave/mozilla-central-win32-opt-unittest-everythingelse/build/xpcshell/tests/test_storage/unit/test_storage_fulltextindex.js | [test_selection : 84] broccoli pie == broccoli pie
TEST-PASS | e:/builds/moz2_slave/mozilla-central-win32-opt-unittest-everythingelse/build/xpcshell/tests/test_storage/unit/test_storage_fulltextindex.js | [test_selection : 85] broccoli cheese onions flour == broccoli cheese onions flour
TEST-PASS | e:/builds/moz2_slave/mozilla-central-win32-opt-unittest-everythingelse/build/xpcshell/tests/test_storage/unit/test_storage_fulltextindex.js | [test_selection : 87] true == true
TEST-PASS | e:/builds/moz2_slave/mozilla-central-win32-opt-unittest-everythingelse/build/xpcshell/tests/test_storage/unit/test_storage_fulltextindex.js | [test_selection : 88] 4 == 4
TEST-PASS | e:/builds/moz2_slave/mozilla-central-win32-opt-unittest-everythingelse/build/xpcshell/tests/test_storage/unit/test_storage_fulltextindex.js | [test_selection : 89] pumpkin pie == pumpkin pie
TEST-PASS | e:/builds/moz2_slave/mozilla-central-win32-opt-unittest-everythingelse/build/xpcshell/tests/test_storage/unit/test_storage_fulltextindex.js | [test_selection : 90] pumpkin sugar flour butter == pumpkin sugar flour butter
TEST-PASS | e:/builds/moz2_slave/mozilla-central-win32-opt-unittest-everythingelse/build/xpcshell/tests/test_storage/unit/test_storage_fulltextindex.js | [test_selection : 92] false == false
*** Storage Tests: Trying to close!
*** Storage Tests: Trying to remove file!
TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | test 1 finished
TEST-INFO | (xpcshell/head.js) | exiting test
TEST-PASS | (xpcshell/head.js) | 11 (+ 0) check(s) passed


(NOTE: This log also had a sessionstore test failure, which was bustage from Bug 411930, which was later backed out.  I initially assumed that this xpcshell failure was bustage from that as well, but on deeper inspection, I don't think they look connected.)
I can't actually tell what chunk of the "see following log" context was responsible for the failure.  Maybe someone more familiar with the storage code can, though.
Whiteboard: [orange]
xpcshell crashed - all the storage code here ran successfully as far as I know.  Since this was an opt build, I guess we didn't have symbols.  I heard Andreas say that there was a gc crash on trunk that accidentally got merged, so maybe this is that?  This test has never been a problem before, and a gc crash could easily break any xpcshell test.

Andreas - do you know what bug that is so I can know when it is backed out? contains a fix for the GC bug. Let me know if you need to be cc'ed on it.
Thanks.  I'll un-cc you from this bug so you don't get any more spam from it.  Feel free to add yourself back if you want!
Blocks: 535585
WINNT 5.2 mozilla-central opt test xpcshell on 2010/01/18 06:57:57
No longer blocks: 438871, 535585
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Whiteboard: [orange]
Product: Toolkit → Core
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