Bug 529246
Opened 15 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
changed sort order in address completion list
(Thunderbird :: Message Compose Window, defect)
(Not tracked)
of bug 497722
(Reporter: nfilus, Unassigned)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091109 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.5
Build Identifier: Shredder 3.0rc1 build1
After bug #497722 was solved I can happily use primary and secondary email addresses. The sort order of the completion list has changed in comparison to TB2.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Configured address format:
Joe User <>
Michael Jackson <>
Typing in: J
Actual Results:
1. Michael Jackson
2. Joe User
Expected Results:
1 Joe User
2 Michael Jackson
Adressbook sorting set to show name as First Last.
Comment 1•15 years ago
mailnews.ui.select_addresses_results.version might help here but I'm not sure.
Comment 2•15 years ago
(In reply to comment #1)
> mailnews.ui.select_addresses_results.version might help here but I'm not sure.
That won't do anything.
I'm fairly sure this bug is a duplicate of some other bug I've commented on, I just can't find it.
In essence the sort order is determined primarily by the popularity stored against the contacts (you can't actually see the popularity from the TB UI). Popularity is generated by how many times you've sent an email to the contact.
So the overall sort order is: popularity then by name.
On the duplicate bug I seem to remember doing the following test:
- Set up two new contacts, each one a different email address (ensure no duplicates exist anywhere) but some part of the email address or name matching (e.g. Mark <> and Mark <>)
- Send an email to one of those contacts (e.g.
- Compose an email and type in something that will match (e.g. Mark)
=> Notice that now is listed before
- Now send an email to the other contact (e.g.
- Compose an email and type in something that will match (e.g. Mark)
=> Notice that bar is listed before foo (the popularity being the same will mean that we sort alphabetically.
- Now send a second email to the other contact (e.g.
- Compose an email and type in something that will match (e.g. Mark)
=> Notice that bar will stay at the top.
You can then keep doing this type of thing watching them swap as the popularity changes.
I haven't tried this recently, but that code hasn't changed since last time I commented. I also haven't tried this in Thunderbird 2, but I'm pretty sure that if Thunderbird 2 was wrong, we're now doing it the right way round because we have tests for the code that I know I've checked before.
Updated•15 years ago
Whiteboard: dupme
Comment 3•15 years ago
I am having what might be a similar problem. I recently switched from the official TB version 2 release to the current development version, Thunderbird 3 RC 2. When I type a partial name in a "To:" box of an email composition window, the list of possible completions for the email address that it gives me do not seem to be in the proper popularity order. In fact, it seems somewhat random, sometimes listing one person first, sometimes another person. This behavior is different from my recollection of the behavior in Thunderbird 2, where I think it fairly consistently put addresses in a popularity order.
(Because of this bug, I accidentally sent an email to someone else that I had intended to send to my wife.)
"About Thunderbird" reports the version I am currenlty using as:
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091130 Thunderbird/3.0
Comment 4•15 years ago
(In reply to comment #3):
I did some further investigation and learned some things and a possible workaround.
What I learned: This problem is hard to reproduce, at least for me. Most names I typed in would reproducibly default to one particular email address that was relatively popular, presumably because I had emailed with them recently. So that was working as it should. I had this problem only with my wife's first name, Kate. When I typed that into the To" box, thunderbird would usually select other Kate email addresses as the default, and which one it showed would change somewhat randomly. In any case, it was not selecting the Kate I emailed most nor the Kate I emailed most recently.
Possible workaround: I edited my address book. I'm not sure which change was most useful. I removed Kate my wife's entry and re-entered it, and made sure that "Kate" appeared as first name, nickname, and in the display name. I modified the entries for some other Kates, to make sure that "Kate" only appeared in the "Display" name box and not the "First" name box nor the "Nickname" box. (I prepended some of the "Kate" entries so they had a leading space " Kate", or other modifications.) I also noticed that one of the Kate's entries was somewhat mangled, with her first and last name in the "First" name box, and the last name box had the following characters (which indicated the group in the organization she worked for):
I wonder if the & or parentheses characters were acting as escape characters and were confusing the code that is supposed to be picking the most recent or the most popular Kate.
Conclusion: Other users might try the above workaround to see if that helps you. Code developers might check this section of the code, to make sure there is no buffer overflow problem, or unintended Easter egg exploit.
Updated•15 years ago
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Comment 6•14 years ago
Cleanup *dupeme* whiteboard flag from bugs that are marked as Resolved
Whiteboard: dupme
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