Closed Bug 54560 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Browser is crashing when RealAudio plug-in is added


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: srinivasa.yarlagadda, Assigned: drapeau)


(Keywords: crash, Whiteboard: suntrak-n6-highp)

Build: NS6PR3(ID:2000090913) for Sparc_Solaris NS6PR3(ID:2000090720) for Intel_Solaris Description: 1. Added the RealAudio plug-in(rvplayer 5.0 for Unix) to NS6 according to the given instructions and set the appropriate environment variables. 2. Now, Browser is crashing while launching. 3. The console assertion during the crash is: IsPluginFile(/opt/realplayer/rvplayer5.0/ LoadPlugin() /opt/realplayer/rvplayer5.0/ returned 12e0c0 debug: edburns ns4xPlugin::CreatePlugin debug: edburns ns4xPlugin::CreatePlugin: cleared callbacks debug: edburns: ns4xPlugin::CreatePlugin: callbacks->newstream: fcad6cc0 plugin getvalue 1 called plugin getvalue 2 called plugin getmimedescription called GetMIMEDescription() returned "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin:rpm:RealPlayer(t m) as Plug-in" Registering plugin for: "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin","RealPlayer(tm) as Pl ug-in","rpm" before calling the services Succeeding in creating proxy Register Env [0] proxyenv=1322064 tid=266776 Register Env [1] proxyenv=1318360 tid=266776 browser flags = 2 Initialized app shell component {33e569b0-40f8-11d4-9a41-000064657374}, rv= 0x00000000 Initialized app shell component {18c2f989-b09f-11d2-bcde-00805f0e1353}, rv= 0x00000000 I am inside the initialize Hey : You are in QFA Startup
Keywords: 4xp, crash, realplayer
Whiteboard: suntrak-n6-highp
Checked with NS6PR3(ID:20001023xx) for Sparc. RealAudio plugin is successfully added and launched the browser. But while loading the audio file(.ra,.rm,.ram) files the browser is crashing. The assertion is: Error loading URL 804b0002 Document loaded successfully Bus Error - core dumped
George has kindly agreed to find an owner for this.
Assignee: av → drapeau
Checked on NS6PR3(ID:20001031) for Saprc(with RealPlayer7 plug-in) and still the browser is crashing on loading the .ra,.ram,.rm files.
checked with 1107's packaged build for sparc, the browser is not crashing when audio files are loaded but displaying a 'Downloading' window stating "This file has mime type audio/x-pn-realaudio and cannot be viewed using netscape6. You can open it with another application or save it to disk". If I select 'Open using' and choose the application (..../realplay), browser is not opening the realplayer but saving the file under /tmp directory.
Not considered a show stopper bug now.
Whiteboard: suntrak-n6-highp → suntrak-n6
As Srinivasa mentioned Mozilla suggests to run external application when it loads audio files. But instead of running realplayer browser saves file under /tmp directory. Then I checked up running of external application on files with other mime-type (for postscript files) And the result is: Mozilla doesn't run external applications -- it suggests to save file (as in case of audio file). So my proposal is: EITHER 1) close bug #54560 as not reproducible and file new bug such as: Mozilla doesn't run external application OR (if bug with summary "Mozilla doesn't run external application" already exists) 2) close bug #54560 as duplicate of bug with summary "Mozilla doesn't run external application"
Actually i tried the Plugin example with It requires a shockwave Plugin and prompts user to go get the Plugin. On clicking OK it redirects to Netscape Plugin Page. Choose MacroMedia for Solaris (click on Download button). It brings up a dialog box , promting user to save it or open a existing plugin. (specify path). Choose Save. And the browser crashes (very consistent). And yes it tries to save the file in /tmp even though there the path specified is different. I think this bug should be kept open as a crasher. The other bug to be opened (if already not opened) would be that Browser does not run external applications. (Update Status WhiteBoard Field to add high priority).
Whiteboard: suntrak-n6 → suntrak-n6-highp
Updated CC list
Raju I tried your test case on 1107's pkged build for Sparc. When I try to load, it is poping up 'Netscape Default Plugin' dialog box.When I click OK to download the plugin, it is opening the page but still the Netscape Default Plugin box remains and denying focus to the down load page. Then I closed Default Plugin box by click on cancel/Alt f4. Now I successfully downloaded the plugin to my local disk and installed the flash, and able to play flash files( No Crash).
Actually I tried this with a new invokation of the Browser (the last case I tried was with a browser that was up for over a week). this time, it worked (as Srinivas explained). So I'm dumbfounded. What caused that consistent crash before? I tried to simulate it. This time 1) Invoke Browser 2) Invoker Mailer 3) Set up Mailer and got all my mail messages (a bunch of them). 4) Now I go to 5) Plugin Popup appears. 6) goto Macromedia site and clicked Download. CRASH... The difference (Mailer was up). Could be a swap space problem. Srinivas, can you try this out
Raju I tried to reproduce the crash by fallowing your sequence of step, but could not succeed on both Sparc and Intel. So here we have two problems. 1. Netscape Plugin Downloader is not closing after click on OK to download the plugin and thus denying focus on the down load page.(Workaround is : close the dialog box by click on CANCEL/ALT F4 and proceed with download plugin to the local disk). 2. Netscape6/Mozilla is not recognizing the Real Player plug in.
I tired again. IT CRASHED. Srinivas, Can u file a separate bug for the Plugin Downloader. and include a reference for the same in this bug. I have the trace below (that showed up on my command window). ./ ./mozilla-bin MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./Cool:.:/opt/SUNWns6/java/lib:/opt/SUNWns6/java/lib/sparc/nativ e_threads:/opt/SUNWns6/java/lib/sparc/client:/opt/SUNWns6/java/lib/sparc:/opt/SU NWns6/javadev/lib:/opt/SUNWns6/dist/lib:/opt/Scheduler/mozilla/dist/bin:/opt/Sch eduler/mozilla/dist/bin/components:/opt/Scheduler/mozilla//dist/lib:/opt/lib:/op t/j2sdk1_3_0_01/jre/plugins:/opt/j2sdk1_3_0_01/jre/lib/sparc/client:/opt/j2sdk1_ 3_0_01/jre/lib:/opt/j2sdk1_3_0_01/jre/lib/sparc/native_threads:/opt/j2sdk1_3_0_0 1/jre/lib/sparc:/usr/dist/pkgs/socks,v1.0/lib:/opt/j2sdk1_3_0_01/jre/lib/sparc LIBPATH=.:./Cool SHLIB_PATH=.:./Cool XPCS_HOME=./Cool MOZ_PROGRAM=./mozilla-bin MOZ_TOOLKIT= moz_debug=0 moz_debugger= Gdk-WARNING **: shmat failed! Gdk-WARNING **: shmat failed! Move window by 639.5,511.5 New location for profile registry and user profile directories is - > /home/rpallath/.mozilla start with profile: rpallath ProfileManager : StartApprunner profileName passed in: rpallathcreating new nsJSAimChatRendezvous Setting content window *** Pulling out the charset Loading page specified via openDialog in SetSecurityButton Document http://sunweb.central/allhome.html loaded successfully ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Write Clipboard to memory ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Write Clipboard to memory ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Write Clipboard to memory ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Write Clipboard to memory ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Write Clipboard to memory ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Write Clipboard to memory we don't handle eBorderStyle_close yet... please fix me start message pane with: In SortColumn SetupCommandUpdateHandlers in SetSecurityButton in showthreads Document http://news.central/NEWS/usenglish/itnews/200011/itnews.20001110.01.html loaded successfully stopping meteors 1 Document: Done (9.202secs) stopping meteors dragstart dragging DOM node: <HTML> ****** returning null 2 dragstart dragging DOM node: <HTML> ****** returning null 2 imap://rpallath@single.eng In ChangeFolderByURI uri = imap://rpallath@single.eng imap://rpallath@single.eng/INBOX In ChangeFolderByURI uri = imap://rpallath@single.eng/INBOX stopping meteors 1 Document: Done (3.538secs) stopping meteors In reroot folder in showthreads In SortColumn We are looking for Sent special folder name = Inbox imap_message://rpallath@single.eng/INBOX#22762 OpenURL from XUL stopping meteors 1 Document: Done (4.776secs) stopping meteors mailCharsetLoadListener: ISO-8859-1 ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Write Clipboard to memory ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Write Clipboard to memory ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Write Clipboard to memory Document loaded successfully --bcJavaGlobal::StartJVM jvm started res 0 -- PlugletLoader.getMIMEDescription(/opt/SUNWns6/javadev/example/DOMViewer.jar) -- PlugletLoader.getMIMEDescription desc application/dom-viewer::Pluglet DOM Viewer -- PlugletLoader.getMIMEDescription(/opt/SUNWns6/javadev/example/JView.jar) -- PlugletLoader.getMIMEDescription desc application/rtf:rtf:Pluglet JView -- PlugletLoader.getMIMEDescription(/opt/SUNWns6/javadev/example/ZipView.jar) -- PlugletLoader.getMIMEDescription desc application/x-zip- compressed:zip:Pluglet ZipView -- PlugletLoader.getMIMEDescription(/opt/SUNWns6/javadev/example/test.jar) -- PlugletLoader.getMIMEDescription desc application/x-simple-pluglet::Pluglet Test Error loading URL 804b0002 Setting content window *** Pulling out the charset in SetSecurityButton Document P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash?application/x-shockwave-flash loaded successfully Document P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash?application/x-shockwave-flash loaded successfully we don't handle eBorderStyle_close yet... please fix me Move window by 469,135.6 screen x 114screen y 120 -*- filepicker: CI: {c47de916-1dd1-11b2-8141-82507fa02b21} -*- filepicker: IID:nsIFilePicker;1OMWindow id value = {a6cf906b-15b3-11d2-932e- 00805f8add32} we don't handle eBorderStyle_close yet... please fix me we don't handle eBorderStyle_close yet... please fix me we don't handle eBorderStyle_close yet... please fix me # # An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM.# Program counter=0xfd52c628 # # Problematic Thread: prio=5 tid=0x24beef0 nid=0x1 runnable # Abort - core dumped
Here's the sequence that crashed for me. * Start up Netscape 6 browser. * Start up Mail. * Go to * When the popup window is displayed saying you need the plugin, click on the Ok button. * A separate browser window will be displayed. While it's contents are loading, click the Ok button on the popup again. Here's the stack trace from an optimized Mozilla build of tip-of-the-RTM branch that I have: #0 0xfe9daab8 in gtk_widget_destroy () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ (gdb) where #0 0xfe9daab8 in gtk_widget_destroy () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #1 0xfa431f8c in DialogOKClicked (button=0xdd4430, data=0xe39ae8) at nullplugin.c:118 #2 0xfe94d448 in gtk_marshal_NONE__NONE () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #3 0xfe992bd8 in gtk_handlers_run () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #4 0xfe991c80 in gtk_signal_real_emit () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #5 0xfe98f1b4 in gtk_signal_emit () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #6 0xfe8c2308 in gtk_button_clicked () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #7 0xfe8c4870 in gtk_real_button_released () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #8 0xfe94d448 in gtk_marshal_NONE__NONE () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #9 0xfe991ab4 in gtk_signal_real_emit () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #10 0xfe98f1b4 in gtk_signal_emit () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #11 0xfe8c219c in gtk_button_released () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #12 0xfe8c3cd8 in gtk_button_button_release () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #13 0xfe94d1d8 in gtk_marshal_BOOL__POINTER () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #14 0xfe991cc8 in gtk_signal_real_emit () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #15 0xfe98f1b4 in gtk_signal_emit () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #16 0xfe9e0330 in gtk_widget_event () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #17 0xfe94c5dc in gtk_propagate_event () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #18 0xfe94bbf8 in gtk_main_do_event () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #19 0xfd03b50c in handle_gdk_event (event=0xf7230, data=0x0) at nsGtkEventHandler.cpp:963 #20 0xfe84aaa4 in gdk_event_dispatch () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #21 0xfdfc5d10 in g_main_dispatch () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #22 0xfdfc65b0 in g_main_iterate () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #23 0xfdfc6ed8 in g_main_run () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #24 0xfe94b44c in gtk_main () from /spare/ws/mozilla/mozilla-sparc-nightly/dist/lib/ #25 0xfd02e0a4 in nsAppShell::Run (this=0x2fb560) at nsAppShell.cpp:335 #26 0xfb72fdac in nsAppShellService::Run (this=0x312d40) at nsAppShellService.cpp:407 #27 0x1be94 in main1 (argc=1, argv=0xffbef634, nativeApp=0x0) at nsAppRunner.cpp:990 #28 0x1c560 in main (argc=1, argv=0xffbef634) at nsAppRunner.cpp:1171 (gdb)
I have filed 3 other bugs 60060/60063/50054 This bug currently points to cases wherein, on promting to "Open" a valid plugin, it actually tried to save it in /tmp (As Sergey and Srinivas has pointed out). The correct summary for this is " Mozilla does not launch external applications" Will create a new bug for the same with correct "Summary" and close this as a duplicate (as pointed out by Sergey).
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 60069 ***
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
mass duplicate verifications . For filtering purposes, pls use keywd "massdupverification"
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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