Closed Bug 557277 Opened 15 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Number.MIN_VALUE is looser than in ES3 due to denormal issues


(Tamarin Graveyard :: Documentation, defect, P4)



(Not tracked)

Q1 12 - Brannan


(Reporter: lhansen, Assigned: rwhitley)


(Whiteboard: AS3 Language)

See bug #555805. IEEE arithmetic or no, we don't want to state unequivocally that MIN_VALUE is the smallest IEEE 64-bit denormal, rather we want to state what Stan suggests: "I think we want the following two things to be true: Min value is not zero: Number.MIN_VALUE > 0 and All smaller values (eg MIN_VALUE/2) are zero: Number.MIN_VALUE/2 == 0" Currently our on-line documentation states this, which is too specific: "The smallest representable non-negative, non-zero, number (double-precision IEEE-754). This number is approximately 5e-324."
How about something like "The smallest representable non-negative, (double-precision IEEE-754) number that does not compare equal to zero. This number usually is approximately 5e-324 but can be larger on systems that do not support denormalized numbers."
Assignee: nobody → djacowit
Flags: flashplayer-qrb+
Priority: -- → P4
Target Milestone: --- → flash10.2
Target Milestone: Q3 11 - Serrano → Q1 12 - Brannan
Assignee: djacowit → rwhitley
Tamarin is a dead project now. Mass WONTFIX.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Tamarin isn't maintained anymore. WONTFIX remaining bugs.
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