Bug 564495
Opened 15 years ago
Closed 13 years ago
Account manager get several settings wrong while creating (pop3) account.
(Thunderbird :: Account Manager, defect)
Account Manager
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: jnp, Unassigned)
(Whiteboard: [closeme 2012-03-25])
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.22.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Safari/531.22.7
Build Identifier:
Account manager get several settings wrong while creating the account for pop3 server.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Launch the Account Wizard
2. Enter an POP3 server that does not support IMAP .
3. Complete the Account Wizard
4. Try to download mail
Actual Results:
pop server does not accept imap (or something like that)
Expected Results:
The account manager to react on the error not being able to receive the test mail a bit more comprehensible than just stating there is an error.
TDC ( a major provider in Denmark) is outstanding difficult for non-it people to configure because the automated approach hides choices.
Other providers are also difficult if mail hosting is different from access provider.
At least provide a 'Manual setup button' and the initial page.
Used to be simpler i v2.
Comment 1•15 years ago
Can you be more specific about the options that are wrong with pop3 ?
Can you also list the provider giving you a hard time ?
Comment 2•15 years ago
(In reply to comment #1)
> Can you also list the provider giving you a hard time ?
He did. You can see their setup in bug 544780.
Thunderbird 3.0 is generally extremely difficult to set up when the Mozilla server does not have an autoconfig for the domain. After choosing to manually enter details, the account setup will continue to search for configurations, and instead of using the configuration entered, Thunderbird will use the configuration it happened to test at the time you press the OK button. Everything can be corrected afterwards, except POP vs IMAP. The way to choose one of them in Thunderbird 3.0 is to create an account, if Thunderbird chooses the wrong type, then delete the account and try again. It should not take more than about 5 attempts of creating and deleting before Thunderbird gets lucky and randomly chooses the correct type. Once POP vs IMAP is correct the rest of the bogus configuration can be corrected in the edit account dialog. As far as I remember this is fixed in Thunderbird 3.1, but I cannot remember the bug number.
Jørgen: Are you using the latest release of Thunderbird 3.0 or the Thunderbird 3.1 test builds?
Reporter | ||
Comment 3•15 years ago
Thunderbird 3.0.4, haven't tried 3.1 test builds.
The problem was detection of pop3 versus imap - not tested in details because I was helping over the phone. Didn't match the providers (TDC) setup information anyway.
If there are significant changes in 3.1 I will test when possible - might be a while though.
Comment 4•15 years ago
Jørgen, 3.1 release candidate can be found here
Comment 5•13 years ago
can you reproduce this using a current version of thunderbird?
if you are unable to reproduce, please close by setting stats to resolved, and resolution to WORKSFORME or another appropriate setting.
If you are able to reproduce, add new details, and a testcase if one does not already exist in the bug report.
Whiteboard: [closeme 2012-03-25]
Comment 6•13 years ago
RESOLVED INCOMPLETE due to lack of response to last question. If you feel this change was made in error please respond to this bug with your reasons why.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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