Closed Bug 57422 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

search doesn't activate


(SeaMonkey :: Search, defect, P3)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tracy, Assigned: paulkchen)


(Keywords: smoketest, Whiteboard: [rtm need info][fix in hand])


(1 file)

seen on commercial builds: mac 2000-10-20-04-Mtrunk windows 2000-10-20-06-Mtrunk -enter search subject in location field -click on search expected results: search list opens in sidebar and results appear in broswer tested results: search does not happen. no results seen in either sidebar or browser
Keywords: smoketest
Need to identify the changes that caused this reaction. If there is a bug number, pls post here.
also seeing on linux 2000-10-20-08-Mtrunk
This is working fine for me on a hand-rolled build from this morning.
What are you searching for? paul do you know what might have happened?
I'm seeing this on branch builds too, but have figured out it's just the search button that is not firing....hitting enter after entering a search subject works fine... reducing severity
Severity: blocker → major
I've reproduced this using branch builds 2000-10-20-09-mn6 in both the classic skin and the modern skin. While this does not prevent testing, we should find out which change caused this regression. 1. Browser window 2. Enter something like "airlines" (w/out the quotes) in the URL field 3. Click the Search button using the mouse. Nothing happens.
Tracy - do you recall if this regression was in yesterday's builds? Thanks
this wasn't in yesterday's builds.
Giving this to pchen. He checked in some code yesterday to search.
Assignee: matt → pchen
Keywords: rtm
Found a typo in my patch to 56564, funny, search still works either way under Linux using a debug branch commercial build from this morning.
Ok found the problem, didn't put my change in bugzilla 56564 to commercial Ooopps. I have NO CLUE why Linux search works.
Ok, the patch to commercial did the trick. Marking fix in hand
Whiteboard: [fix in hand]
Whiteboard: [fix in hand] → [rtm need info][fix in hand]
marking rtm need info - pls get super review and approval to check in.
msanz: didn't you have a bee in your bonnet about new things in property files?
yes, I have a problem with that. Is there a way we can fix this (it doesn't look we can ship without search <sigh>, without adding a string?
If you can give me a better option to localize the search string I'm adding, I'm all ears. Bugscape 2666, is the root of all this evil actually.
I see, I'm caught up in a loop... We need 2666, when will you fix this one?
Ummmmm, this actually is the fix to 2666. Store the search URL inside so that it can be overridden for each locale.
Ok, once more with feeling. Here's how we got where we are today: 1. Bugscape 2666 -- int'l builds going to US search site I took this off matt's plate, and re-used the fallback search URL in 2. The fix to 2666, broke Sherlock searches, which was why 56564 was filed. To fix that, we backed out the change to 2666 and added the otherSearchURL inside so that it's easy to override the search URL for any locale. 3. This bug is a result of my incomplete checkin for 56564 because I forgot to add otherSearchURL to commercial In a debug build, you will see errors trying to load the string from the string bundle. 4. I have checked in the fix uder 56564. This should be fixed now. So now, although I've added another string to the string bundle, I've just made it possible to easily localize the search URL. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
marking as fixed, as I checked in the fix under bug 56564
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
marking verified fixed on commercial trunk and branch builds from 10/23 all platforms
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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