Closed Bug 57568 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Blank item added to Smart Browsing tree if enter is pressed


(SeaMonkey :: Preferences, defect, P4)

Windows 98


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: bugzilla)



(2 files)

Build ID: new {trunk, branch} build Steps to Reproduce: (1) Open the prefs window (2) Navigator > Smart Browsing (3) Type something in the textfield next to "Domain:" (4) Press enter <prefs dialog closes> (5) Reopen the Prefs dialog (6) Navigator > Smart Browsing Result: There's a blank item in the tree. Pressing enter in the textfield should really trigger the Add button, not close the prefs dialog. But since it does (close the dialog), nothing should be added to the tree, not a blank item (the item shouldn't be added because the enter key shouldn't carry out two actions, e.g. adding the item AND closing the window)
Clicking in all textfields should make the corresponding button the "default" button, so it -- not the global OK button -- triggers upon pressing enter. But I don't know if that should be one big bug or not.
Changing the default button depending on the focus is decidedly unpleasant (unless the focus is on a button itself, as discussed elsewhere). The root cause of the problem here is that there should be a separate dialog (with its own default button) for adding an entry.
> Changing the default button depending on the focus is decidedly unpleasant Really? I could have sworn this is done many places throughout Windows UI. Why would making the user add an item through a new dialog be more usable than the current solution?
> Really? I could have sworn this is done many places throughout Windows UI. I said, *unless the focus is on a button itself, as discussed elsewhere*. (I think that's a UI bug in Windows, but it's not bad enough to be worth Mozilla being inconsistent with.) That `elsewhere' is bug 49811. > Why would making the user add an item through a new dialog be more usable than > the current solution? Because it wouldn't have the problem that the Enter key would have different behavior depending on something as apparently unrelated as placing the keyboard focus. I have never, ever seen a dialog do this in any app (not even in Windows), and I don't think Mozilla should be the first app to do so. `Having two behaviors for one key can confuse users and make the interface less predictable.' < 146.html>
I'm pretty sure I've seen multiple cases in the windows UI where clicking in a textfield changed the default button *NOT* just when a button has the focus. As I said. I'll try to dig up an app where this happens.
simple enough, maybe you could patch it, blake? :P
Keywords: nsbeta1
nav triage: german can you comment on this bug?
ue to comment on what the behaviour shd be.
Assignee: matt → german
There's nothing really for UE to comment on. This bug has morphed into a discussion of unrelated stuff, but there's a bug here that needs to be fixed. reassigning to me to look.
Assignee: german → blakeross
blake, when do expect to get this done?
not a priority.
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
Priority: P3 → P4
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
mass verification of WorksForMe bugs: to find all bugspam pertaining to this, set your search string to "IfItWorksForSlappyTheSquirrelThenItWFM". if you think this particular bug is *still* an open issue, please make sure of the following before reopening: a. that it's still a problem with ***recent trunk builds*** on the all appropriate platform[s] b. provide clear steps to reproduce (unless a good test case is already in the bug report), making sure it pertains to the original problem (avoid morphing as much as possible :)
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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