Open Bug 580668 Opened 15 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Zimbra notifiers prevent typing in all tabs


(Firefox :: General, defect)





(Reporter: mayumi, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [from-beta-tester])

When Zimbra gives me a meeting alert, I cannot type in any of the other tabs that are open until I close the alert. This happens every time I get an alert and thus when i'm in Gmail trying to compose an email I can't type in anything or move the cursor until the alert is closed. i don't know if this is a Zimbra specific issue or something with pop-ups. This only happens with Firefox 4 (I never experienced this in Firefox 3.6.6)
I saw this happen on Mayumi's computer. But I haven't yet been able to reproduce it on mine. I tried reproducing it both with a recent trunk nightly on Linux and Firefox 4.0 beta 5 on Windows 7, but in both cases, the appearance of the popup notification in the Zimbra tab didn't prevent me from continuing to type in the Gmail tab.
I also tried checking the "Show popup notification" checkbox in Zimbra > Preferences > Calendar > General > Show reminders, which required installing Yahoo! BrowserPlus, in case the problem was due to that option. But I still couldn't reproduce. :-(
Severity: normal → S3
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