Closed Bug 584713 Opened 15 years ago Closed 14 years ago

tabs behavior is messed up if the Web Console is used


(DevTools :: General, defect)

Windows 7
Not set


(blocking2.0 betaN+)

Tracking Status
blocking2.0 --- betaN+


(Reporter: paul, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [notreproduceable])

Once I used the Web Console, the tabs behavior is weird: * URL are loaded in the previous tab, not in the current one * middle-click to open a link in a new tab is not working (ctrl-clic or right-click -> open link in a new tab neither) * ... more strange things Step to reproduce: * start firefox * ctrl-shift-k (open the web console) * ctrl-shift-k (close the web console) * ctrl-t (open a new tab) * ctrl-l, type an url, <return> The URL is load in the previous tab.
tested with 4.0b3-candidates/build2/ with an empty profile. Same behavior.
blocking2.0: --- → ?
in beta2 as well.
Component: Tabbed Browser → Developer Tools
QA Contact: tabbed.browser →
in beta1 as well.
Summary: tabs behavior is messed up in nightly builds if the Web Console is used → tabs behavior is messed up if the Web Console is used
very strange, I use the console all day long and have not noticed this, nor can I reproduce the problem.
I've asked to a couple of people. So far, I'm the only one who has been able to reproduce this bug. I don't understand.
I am on Windows 7 too and I couldnt reproduce this error.
(In reply to comment #5) > I've asked to a couple of people. So far, I'm the only one who has been able to > reproduce this bug. I don't understand. dumb question: did you try in safe mode? i know you used a clean profile.
I can reproduce this issue, every time. I believe we talked about this in yesterday's meeting, if I am not mistaken. Isn't this an issue with how the WebConsole closes and that it breaks the tabBrowser? Or was that something different?
(In reply to comment #8) > I can reproduce this issue, every time. I believe we talked about this in > yesterday's meeting, if I am not mistaken. Isn't this an issue with how the > WebConsole closes and that it breaks the tabBrowser? Or was that something > different? Hmmm. we attach DOM nodes into the tab (the NotificationBox), then they are removed when you close the console. I don't think we do anything to alter the tabbrowser. Mihai: can you trace the code paths to make sure we never alter the tabbrowser. I have no idea how we could be.
David: I already have this issue in my TODO. Will look into it, hopefully during the weekend. As far as I know, yes, we do not alter the tabBrowser, but maybe there's something we are clueless about, that breaks the tabBrowser. ;)
Assignee: nobody → mihai.sucan
Seems confirmed, so blocking+ for investigation.
blocking2.0: ? → betaN+
Should I dupe Bug 584628 to this bug? I was able to reproduce this on one Windows 7 machine but not on the machine I am using right now. I was able to reproduce this in PB mode - see the error console errors in the bug.
Whiteboard: [4b3]
Whiteboard: [4b3] → [kd4b6]
Severity: normal → blocker
Reprioritizing bugs. You can filter the mail on the word TEABAGS.
Severity: blocker → major
Whiteboard: [kd4b6] → [kd4b7]
Paul (and others): can you still reproduce the bug in the latest nightly builds? I cannot reproduce this issue anymore. I presume there have been some fixes to the HUDService code, which now no longer cause problems in tabbrowser.
I have never been able to reproduce this myself.
Blocks: devtools4b8
Unless someone can still reproduce this, I would like to close this bug. It's a beta blocker and it's really important to know if this is still an issue for anyone.
Whiteboard: [kd4b7] → [notreproduceable]
Assignee: mihai.sucan → nobody
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
No longer blocks: devtools4b8
Product: Firefox → DevTools
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