Closed Bug 593388 Opened 14 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Figure out how Panorama background should interact with Personas, in particular with Personas of different heights/widths


(Firefox Graveyard :: Panorama, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mitcho, Unassigned)



Some (many?) Personas images are actually very tall, and it may be worth making the Panorama background transparent in such cases so that the persona can fill the entire background. This could potentially look pretty cool. This bug is to figure out whether we want to make this possible.
Lots of interesting things to think about here, but after FX4.
I think.. This idea is cool. Because, one of the important points of tabcandy is a placeness like being in the example of kitchen. This idea that background is image might become a clue that reminds the place as well as it looks pretty cool. I want to help if you make it!
(In reply to comment #2) > This idea is cool. > Because, one of the important points of tabcandy is a placeness like being in > the example of kitchen. This idea that background is image might become a clue > that reminds the place as well as it looks pretty cool. > > I want to help if you make it! Daisuke, if you want to see if you can get it working locally, we'd appreciate it. :) But as Aza says, we (Panorama team) don't have the time for it now, so otherwise this would be a Fx 4.x task.
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: Firefox 4.0 → Future
Blocks: 591771
bugspam s/ux-feedback/uiwanted/ ;) See also advances in this area for Windows in bug 591652.
Keywords: ux-feedbackuiwanted
Basic design direction is to work towards embracing and displaying Personas in (bug 590378 comment 15). Alex, as I commented there, we'll need a spec for this post-fx4.
Assignee: nobody → faaborg
Blocks: 633389
Summary: Figure out how Panorama background should interact with Personas → Figure out how Panorama background should interact with Personas, in particular with Personas of different heights/widths
I think this would be neat because, on Mac OS X (and maybe other platforms), the title bar is still styled with the persona when in panorama, but the background isn't. Without persona: With persona:
Assignee: faaborg → limi
Keywords: uiwanted
Assignee: limi → nobody
Panorama has been removed from Firefox 45, currently in Beta and scheduled for release on March 7th. As such, I'm closing all existing Panorama bugs. If you are still using Panorama, you will see a deprecation message in Firefox 44, and when 45 is released your tab group data will be migrated to bookmarks, with a folder for each group. There are also a few addons offering similar functionality. See for more info. We're removing Panorama because it has extremely low usage (about 0.01% of users), and has a large number of bugs and usability issues. The cost of fixing all those issues is far too high to justify, and so we'll instead be focusing our time and energy on improving other parts of Firefox.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Firefox → Firefox Graveyard
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