Bug 597560
Opened 14 years ago
Closed 11 months ago
Firefox 4 Beta Study v2: Tracking Bug
(Mozilla Labs Graveyard :: Test Pilot Studies, defect)
Mozilla Labs Graveyard
Test Pilot Studies
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: jono, Unassigned)
(Whiteboard: FF4beta Interface 2 )
(1 file, 2 obsolete files)
We are releasing a new version of the Firefox 4 beta study. The study code is in the repo, in the file testcases/beta/combined.js
On the web:
Highest priority features to be added to this version, over the previous version, are:
* Sync instrumentation: How many people have configured sync, and how recently did they sync up?
* Panorama instrumentation: Observing when people click the sync button or hit the keyboard shortcut; recording how many tab groups they have and how many tabs per group.
* App tab instrumentatin: Observing when someone makes a tab into an app tab or back, and counting how many app tabs people have.
Secondary priorities are the items in red on the tracking spreadsheet at
Things for testers and code reviewers to watch out for:
- Are all events recorded correctly on every operating system?
- Are we throwing any exceptions for conditions that should be caught and handled more gracefully - for example, attempting to register listeners on interface elements that don't happen to exist on the current OS or build
- Have we kept up with all the changes to the Firefox 4 interface in the last couple of betas - do all our observers that used to work, still work?
- Do we record UI customizations correctly, and do the observers still work right no matter how someone has customized their UI?
- Are we correctly recording the difference between using something by clicking the toolbar, clicking the menu, hitting the keyboard shortcut, and using a context menu?
- Are there any ways we haven't considered yet to get the "missing" UI interactions - for example, the keyboard shortcuts for cut/copy/paste, which do not appear to generate any command or key events on the main command set or main menu bar.
More things for testers and code reviewers to look at:
All users with any of the 4.0 betas should be getting and running this test, whether or not they ran the Beta Interface Study round 1.
(Round 1 had id = 100; round 2 has id = 101.)
If a user submit both round 1 and round 2, they should have the same GUID attached to both submissions, for longitudinal comparison purposes. (This works by having the round 2 study look at the GUID stored in prefs for round 1, and copying this over its own GUID).
Attachment #478120 -
Flags: review?(avarma)
Updated version of the study code itself to match up with latest revision in Hg.
Attachment #478120 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #478120 -
Flags: review?(avarma)
Comment 4•14 years ago
Comment on attachment 479101 [details]
The code for the beta interface study
I assume I am reviewing this, so setting r? to me.
Attachment #479101 -
Flags: review?(avarma)
Comment 5•14 years ago
Comment on attachment 479101 [details]
The code for the beta interface study
My review comments are here:
Feel free to reply to the comments on that page.
Attachment #479101 -
Flags: review?(avarma) → review-
Some changes to the code made in and
1. now recording tab groupings when user closes panorama interface
2. now correctly recording sub-menu items of windows appmenu button
Attached the latest version of the study code with the latest bug fixes.
Attachment #479101 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #481533 -
Flags: review?(avarma)
Comment 8•14 years ago
Comment on attachment 481533 [details]
The code for the study itself.
All my review comments so far are here:
Attachment #481533 -
Flags: review?(avarma) → review-
Updated•14 years ago
Whiteboard: FF4beta Interface 2
Assignee | ||
Updated•9 years ago
Product: Mozilla Labs → Mozilla Labs Graveyard
Closed: 11 months ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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