Closed Bug 602129 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

JM: make fast


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: bzbarsky, Assigned: luke)




(3 files, 3 obsolete files)

Attached file Testcase
When running the attached testcase I get these numbers:

bin% ./js ~/bar.js
801: control (no call) 
1771: call([object global])
1632: call(null)
1633: call(undefined)
bin% ./js -m ~/bar.js
130: control (no call) 
904: call([object global])
934: call(null)
946: call(undefined)
bin% ./js -j ~/bar.js
89: control (no call) 
41: call([object global])
41: call(null)
1619: call(undefined)

bin% ./js -m -j ~/bar.js
97: control (no call) 
50: call([object global])
47: call(null)
921: call(undefined)
So it looks like call() in JM is about 2x faster than in interp, but still a good bit slower than an actual function call (slower than interp, comparatively), and a lot slower than call when it gets traced (my local tree is slightly hacked so null thisp will trace for call).

For comparison, here is v8 opt shell:

v8-read-only% ./shell ~/bar.js
85: control (no call) 
151: call([object global])
147: call(null)
160: call(undefined)so we're pretty close to them in JM for the straight function call, but a lot slower for call(
Blocks: 602132
We can special-case this in the native call MIC, afaik. Might also help v8-deltablue a bit, bhackett found out that it calls 125k times (bug 595884 comment 13)
(In reply to comment #1)
Shark shows that that (with shell -m) we spend 10.9ms in js::Invoke 10.4ms in js_fun_call, out of 695ms in v8-deltablue.

Incidentally, David and I were talking about this yesterday, and the neat thing about expressions like, arg1, arg2) is that, at the call site of 'call', the stack is:
  [, foo, this, arg1, arg2]
and the desired call stack to call 'foo' is:
  [foo, this, arg1, arg2]
So we should be able to get a to cost only a tiny bit more than f().
Hmm.  Can just somehow fast-path the case when happens to be a function backed by js_fun_call or whatnot?  So guard on that and take the fast-path if so, else fall back to whatever we're doing now?
(In reply to comment #3)
That's what we were thinking.  It would basically be a PIC + Call IC mash-up.
The first step is to distinguish calls to 'apply' from calls to 'call'.  The easiest way to do this is to just split JSOP_APPLY into two opcodes.
Assignee: general → lw
Attached patch WIP 1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch is a first stab at what was discussed above and hardly tested.  It basically just adds a guard that is actually js_fun_call and, if this passes, proceeds to do a normal call ic to call the 'this' parameter of js_fun_call.

Preliminary results show a 10x (-m) speedup of
  function f(x) { return x+1 }, 3)
which puts us on par with jsc.  This patch could even go a bit faster by comparing function-object equality instead of native equality.
Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Passes trace tests on x86.
Blocks: 605192
Blocks: 602262
Summary: JM: seems to be slow compared to TM and V8 → JM: make fast
Depends on: 605352
Depends on: 605355
Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Green on try.  SS unaffected.

    deltablue:    1.058x as fast     436.3ms +/- 0.3%    412.4ms +/- 1.4%
Attachment #483714 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #484024 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #484349 - Flags: review?(dvander)
Attachment #483713 - Flags: review?(dvander)
Attached patch patchSplinter Review
Refactored to fit in with the rest of the patch queue.  Still green on try.
Attachment #484349 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #486276 - Flags: review?(dvander)
Attachment #484349 - Flags: review?(dvander)
I implemented the TODO:
    // TODO: for compileAndGo scripts, we can just guard on callee JSObject*
I was unable to write a micro-benchmark that showed a speedup.  This makes sense since the two extra loads are not lengthening the critical path for an OoO cpu.
Attachment #483713 - Flags: review?(dvander) → review+
Comment on attachment 486276 [details] [diff] [review]

Nice patch, only have tiny nits.

>+        explicit Address() {}


>+mjit::Compiler::checkCallSpeculation(uint32 argc,
>+                                     FrameEntry *origCallee, FrameEntry *origThis,
>+                                     MaybeRegisterID calleeType, RegisterID calleeData,

Although it's longer, parameters 3,4 make more sense prefixed by "orig".

>+    Jump isNative = masm.branchPtr(Assembler::NotEqual,
>+                                   Address(calleeData, JSFunction::offsetOfNativeOrScript()),
>+                                   ImmPtr(JS_FUNC_TO_DATA_PTR(void *, js_fun_call)));

I would static assert that the layouts are compatible, here.

>+        uncachedCallPatch->ool = true;
>+        uncachedCallPatch->hasSlowNcode = false;

It's clearer to make ool mean "does not have fastNcodePatch", and then ... 

>+        stubcc.masm.loadPtr(FrameAddress(offsetof(VMFrame, regs.fp)), JSFrameReg);
>+        Address ncodeAddr(JSFrameReg, JSStackFrame::offsetOfncode());
>+        uncachedCallPatch->fastNcodePatch = stubcc.masm.storePtrWithPatch(ImmPtr(NULL), ncodeAddr);

... set slowNcodePatch instead.

>+        /* Cannot rejoin: there is more fast path to generate in inlineCallHelper. */

This is a little cryptic. Maybe "Load the return address from vp[0], then jump. inlineCallHelper() will manually link this jump to rejoin into the fast path, since IC slow path expects the return value to be in vp[1]."

>+mjit::Compiler::lowerableFunCall(jsbytecode *pc)

Unless this gets enhanced in the rest of the patch queue, might be better as:
static inline bool

>         emitUncachedCall(argc, callingNew);
>         return;
>+#ifdef JS_MONOIC
>     }
>-#ifdef JS_MONOIC

Rebase misfire? Good idea to build with --disable-monoic and run jitflags=m (it can catch errors after changing ICs, and also catch ARM regressions).

>-    Registers tempRegs;
>+    CallGenInfo     callIC(PC);
>+    CallPatchInfo   callPatch;
>+    MaybeRegisterID icCalleeType;
>+    RegisterID      icCalleeData;
>+    Address         icRvalAddr;
>+    /* These locals are only initialized if lowerFunCall. */
>+    Jump            uncachedCallSlowRejoin;
>+    CallPatchInfo   uncachedCallPatch;

A very brief comment to the right of each of these would be more readable than the block comments above.

>+    if (lowerFunCall)
>+        stubcc.crossJump(uncachedCallSlowRejoin, masm.label());

"The mispredicted .call slow path loaded rval already. Join it back to the fast-path now."
Attachment #486276 - Flags: review?(dvander) → review+
(In reply to comment #11)
Good comments, thanks

> I would static assert that the layouts are compatible, here.

Done in offsetOfNativeOrScript().

> >         emitUncachedCall(argc, callingNew);
> >         return;
> >+#ifdef JS_MONOIC
> >     }
> > 
> >-#ifdef JS_MONOIC
> Rebase misfire? Good idea to build with --disable-monoic and run jitflags=m (it
> can catch errors after changing ICs, and also catch ARM regressions).

Thanks, will do.  This, though, is not a rebase error.  If you look further down, this cuts out the #else case in #if JS_MONOIC.  That is, it unifies the code run when !defined(JS_MONOIC) with the code when defined(JS_MONOIC) && debugMode.
Landed last month:
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Depends on: 613732
Depends on: 756864
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