Closed Bug 616289 Opened 14 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Filter creation fails on (some?) newer versions of Windows


(MailNews Core :: Filters, defect)

1.9.2 Branch
Windows 7
Not set


(blocking-thunderbird5.0 -)

Tracking Status
blocking-thunderbird5.0 --- -


(Reporter: dmosedale, Unassigned)


(Keywords: testcase-wanted)

Microsoft does compatibility testing on various software. A contact there forwarded us the following: 1. Install Windows7 Ultimate x86/x64 2. Login as Administrator 3. Install the application by accepting all the defaults 4. Launch Mozilla Thunderbird. 5. Goto Tools ->Message filters ->New 6. "Filter Rules" window will pop up 7. Specify the "Filter name", input the "contains", and specify the location where to move the message to Actual Results: The location where to move message to can't be specified, so the filter can't be created Expected Results: The location where to move message to can be specified successfully, and the filter can be created. Tester/Developer Notes: This issue is identified to reproduce on Vista as well
Sid, would you be able to take a look at this?
blocking-thunderbird5.0: --- → ?
I can't reproduce this at all with Thunderbird 3.1.6. (I'm assuming he left out the account wizard setup in between, where I set up an IMAP account.)
Not blocking as we don't have clear STRs here.
blocking-thunderbird5.0: ? → -
Keywords: testcase-wanted
I've never seen this on win7. I guess, we don't know if anything was in error console. Needs retest. dmose, Would be best if original reporter could test :)
I'm totally swamped, what with new progeny on the way and a new house. :-) I suggest resolving INCOMPLETE, and assuming if others encounter, they will re-open or re-file.
fair enough. dmose, thanks for the update
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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